chapter sixty-three

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The trio are sitting in the jail and Gus is playing the harmonica, the three playing cards.

"What the hell is going on here?" They turn to see Lassie walk in.

"This is called 19 card stud." Shawn says.

"Regular poker's too complicated. It makes it easier to get pairs." Gus informs.

"Plus, anything with a picture is wild." Shawn says.

"Why aren't you three out interviewing suspects or feeling the walls or whatever the hell it is you do?" Lassie asks. "At least do something."

"Man, I tried. I did. These people are kind of mean. It's a tough racket being sheriff, Lassie. Besides, I got to go gun down that stinky feet fellow in about 20 minutes." Shawn says.

"Stinky Pete." Gus says.

"You wouldn't understand. You've never killed a man." Shawn tells the detective.

"Yes, I have." Lassie states.

"Yeah, but you've never pretend killed one. Repeatedly. Struggle with it every time." Shawn says.

"Two times now." Gus says.

"Yup. Both times." Shawn says.

"Well, while you three were sitting here playing cowboys and Indians--"

"Utt-utt. Just cowboys, Lassie." Shawn says.

"Injuns is offensive." Gus states.

"I didn't say Injuns, Guster." Lassie says.

"That's what I heard." Gus says.

"Me too." Shawn agrees.

"Would you just shut up?" Lassie asks. "Hank has managed to become our number one suspect. McBain wanted his land, and he was talking to somebody here. You three need to find out who it was."

"You were thinking today?" Shawn asks.

"A man's life is on the line. Get out there, and get me a lead." Lassie snaps, knocking Shawn's feet off of the desk before storming out, slamming the door after him.

"Man's all hopped up on cactus juice." Shawn comments.

Gus resumes playing the harmonica.


"Let's start at the saloon." Gus says.

"Yep." Shawn agrees. He gets off the porch and walks up to a horse.

"What are you doing?" Gus asks.

"Exactly what it looks like." Shawn says, getting on the horse. Shawn rides the horse the ten second ride to the saloon, Gus and Vanessa waiting for him outside of it.

Shawn gets off the horse, walking up to his friends.

"Really?" Gus asks. Shawn doesn't reply, going in the saloon. Vanessa and Gus share an eye roll before following Shawn inside.

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