chapter sixty-six

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Some of the police and detectives are at a bar, along with the trio, as they played in a baseball game.

"Big win today. Big win." Shawn states. "Big win for the team. Isn't that right, Buzz?"

"Yep." Buzz nods.

"Well played, all of you. Let us not forget that our valiant opponents also played a heck of a ball game. Respect, Haircut Hut." Both teams raise their glasses.

"I don't know why you're giving that victory speech, Shawn. You almost cost us the game today." Gus says.

"What are you talking about? I had five hits." Shawn says.

"You also overthrew first base five times." Jules says. Shawn sighs, sitting down.

"All right, look. I know you're all thinking it, so here it goes. I am suffering from a mental block. It goes all the way back to my youth. It's very common amongst highly skilled athletes and international men of leisure. They call it the "Yips.""

"They should call it the "Sucks."" Lassie remarks, receiving laughs from some of the others.

"Wait, wasn't there that guy-- what's his name?" Gus asks.

"Yes. Former Yankee second baseman Chuck Knoblauch. All of a sudden he committed an unprecedented number of throwing errors, one of which sailed into the stands and hit Keith Olbermann's mother in the face."

"That's awful." Jules says.

"Don't worry, Jules, I'm getting help. I just recently started seeing a sports psychologist, and I'm happy to report that I'm already seeing marked improvement."

"Five errors is an improvement?" Gus asks.

"Could have been ten, Gus." Shawn retorts.

"Here you go, sir." The waiter gives Gus his food.

"Thank you." Gus says and the waiter walks away.

"Where's my food?" Shawn asks before getting up to question somebody.

"Guys, you shouldn't have." Buzz says, seeing a waiter walk over with some cake.

"Oh, come on. You didn't think we'd forget." Jules says.

Everybody starts to sing 'Happy Birthday' while Shawn tries to talk to Lassie, but nobody hears him.

"Freeze!" Lassie stands, pulling a gun out. Shots are fired by him and another dude, everybody in the restaurant ducking. Shawn grabs Vanessa, yanking her to the floor, blocking her body with his.

~ ~ ~

"Thank you, chief. I'll take it from here." Shawn tells the woman. "All right, people. We all went through a terrible ordeal today. Not only were we almost killed, chief, I never got my pizza chili cheese fries."

Vanessa elbows him, rolling her eyes.

"But setting that aside for a second..." Gus says.

"Mr. Spencer, unless you have something that will help this investigation, I suggest you shut the hell up." Vick says.

"I think I do have something, chief." Shawn puts his hand to his temple. "I'm getting some serious voodoo that the hooded man didn't come in here to rob the restaurant."

"Then what was he doing?" Jules asks.

"He wanted to kill someone." Shawn states.

"Wanted to kill someone? Who?" Lassie asks.

"One of us." Shawn states.


"I don't have time for this, Spencer." Lassie says as they walk into the police station.

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