007. shawn's cat

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The three are walking on the sidewalk as Shawn and Vanessa eat their food while Gus is holding his and a cup of coffee.

"Explain to me again why we couldn't sit in a restaurant and eat like civilized people." Gus says.

"Yeah, sitting down is a rare thing for me considering three kids and all. I eat standing up 98% of the time. I miss sitting and eating." Vanessa says.

"Moving is good, Gus. It helps the digestion." Shawn says. "Plus, we never do this anymore."

"What, eat and jog?" Gus asks.

"No, talk. Just talk. Check in with each other as men... and woman. I want to know how both of you are. I want to know how Gus is and how Nessy is." Shawn states.

"Really? Like you're really asking me?" Gus asks.

"And me? You never talk about feelings. At least not with half of the sentences involving some sort of sarcastic comment." Vanessa says.

"Yes, I'm really asking, because I care. No sarcastic comments. And that's when I talk about my feelings." Shawn says.

"Wow. Okay. Well, we've been working cases nonstop for a month. To be honest, I'm burnt. I just want to take a nap." Gus states.

"I want to take 19 naps." Vanessa says.

"I couldn't agree with you more. I think we should lay low for a bit. No more cases." Shawn states.

"Really?" Vanessa asks, doubtful.

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that. I was kind of worried about telling you." Gus says.

"Don't be a silly goose. Now, we've had a good talk, I think we've both felt it, and look at this. Here we are." Shawn says as they turn a corner to a crime scene.

"What is this, Shawn?" Gus asks.

"Okay, here's the thing. The police may have found a body, which I may have picked up on my police scanner, which I may have brought with me." Shawn says, holding the object up.

"No cases, Shawn." Gus states as Shawn starts walking, the other two following him.

"No cases. We go in, we see, we say hello, and we leave." Shawn says.

"I knew it was too good to be true." Vanessa mumbles.

"Say hello? This is a crime scene. You can't just walk in there." Gus says.

"McNab! Nabby!" He exclaims to the policeman standing guard. "Buzz." He informs his friends.

"Yeah, I know his name." Vanessa says.

"Buzz? Seriously?" Gus asks.

"It's his first name. Don't you ever talk to him?" Shawn asks.

"Why would I talk to anybody named Buzz?" Gus asks.

"You share the same name as an animated mouse." Vanessa says.

"Shawn! My man!" Buzz grins as the two do a handshake. Buzz bumps Shawn's hip with his own.

"Okay with... yes." Shawn says.

"Vanessa." Buzz smiles and side hugs her.

"You look trim. Somebody made their wedding weight." Shawn tells Buzz.

"Five more pounds. I'm close. But I still have a month." Buzz says.

"You'll get there. You remember mine and Nessa's partner?" Shawn points to Gus.

"Sure, yeah, uh... Matt, right?" Buzz asks.

"Gus." Gus corrects.

"Right." Buzz nods.

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