30. christmas murder

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The trio peer over the fence to Fuller's yard where their basketball is lying in the overgrown grass and weeds along with dead leaves.

"No one ever gets their ball back from mean Old Man Fuller's yard." Shawn says.

"This sucks." Gus complains.

"I told you not to throw it so hard." Vanessa chides.

They all drop back to the ground and sit down.

"I know. We were tied 114 to 114, and I was up." Shawn says.

"We weren't supposed to be playing with my new ball." Gus says.

"I'll give you 1,000 outs if you go get it." Shawn says.

"2,000." Gus negotiates.

"Done." Shawn says.

"Oh, come on, guys. He's gonna get killed." Vanessa says as they stand back up.

"For 2,000 outs, I'll do it." Gus says. Vanessa rolls her eyes.

"Boys." She mumbles under her breath.

"Ready?" Shawn asks, putting his hands together, ready to give Gus a boost.

"Okay, you got it." Gus says. Shawn helps him over the fence and he reaches for the ball. "All right, almost got it. There I go..." Gus falls over the fence into Fuller's yard.

"Gus!" His friends exclaim.

"Shawn! Vanessa!" Gus calls.

"Is the ball all right?" Shawn asks. Vanessa smacks his arm, glaring at him.

"Are you all right?" Vanessa asks.

"I can't get back over." Gus says.

"Get that ball off my grass! Get out of my yard!" They hear Fuller shout.

"Gus, I'm really gonna miss ya." Shawn says.

"Wha-- we can't leave him." Vanessa protests.

"You wanna be grounded for life?" Shawn asks.

"My parents wouldn't ground me for life. Just a week or so." Vanessa says.

"It's still grounding. You do what you want. I'll miss you, too." Shawn says, running off.

"I need new friends." Vanessa mumbles.

present day

The trio walk through the hall at the station, Shawn holding a large Christmas bag over his shoulder and he's also wearing a Santa hat.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho. Buzz McNab. The Christmas spirits told me to give this to you." Shawn pulls out a BB gun and hands it to Buzz.

"Oh, my goodness, a Daisy Red Ryder. I had one of these when I was a kid. It was the reason I wanted to become a policeman." Buzz says.

"Well, Merry Christmas from me, Gus, and Vanessa." Shawn says.

"Thanks, guys." Buzz smiles, walking off.

"He's gonna shoot his eye out." Gus says.

"Yes, he is." Shawn nods.

"Most definitely." Vanessa agrees.

"That was amazing. How did you know that?" Gus asks.

"Uh, the room where I take naps shares a vent with the room where they do the psychological evals." Shawn says.

"Is that on purpose?" Vanessa asks.

"Perhaps." Shawn shrugs, earning an eye roll from the blonde.

"Lassie!" Shawn exclaims and he holds out a Psych snow globe that has the three friends in it.

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