chapter fifty

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"Shawn? Shawn! Get in here a second." Henry calls out to his son as he sits on the coffee table in the living room. Gus and Vanessa walk into the room. "Gus, Vanessa, what are you doing here?"

"We're representing Shawn in this situation." Gus declares, Vanessa nodding in agreement.

"Shawn! Get in here!" Henry calls out and Shawn walks in. "Take a look around."

"Well, what am I looking at?" Shawn asks, glancing over the living room.

"Something's missing. I took something yours. You need to figure out what that is." Henry states.

"Dad, you robbed me?" Shawn asks.

"No, robbery is the taking of property by force or fear. I'm not afraid of anyone in this room." Henry states.

"So you're a burglar, then?" Gus asks.

"Isn't that practically the same thing?" Vanessa asks.

"No, Gus. Burglary involves breaking in. So, it's not necessarily the same thing, Vanessa. There's other differences as well. This is theft, pure and simple. You need to figure out what it is, or you're not getting it back. Concentrate." Henry tells his son.

Shawn looks around, trying to find what's missing.

"You thief! You stole my BB gun!" Shawn exclaims.

"Technically, yes. Theft makes me a thief. You're learning." Henry says.

"So, can I have it back?" Shawn asks.

"No. I told you not to play with it in the yard. It's too dangerous." Henry says.

"But you said if I figured out what's missing, I--"

"Shawn, thieves always lie. Remember that."

"How did you even know I was playing with it in the backyard?" Shawn asks. Henry smiles and Vanessa looks at Gus who now wears a guilty look. Shawn looks over at his two best friends, seeing Gus' guilty look.

present day

Vanessa, Shawn, Gus, and Henry are at the roller derby rink, watching the match. Gus is studying for a test he has at work while the other three are actually watching, Henry more into than the others.

"Don't let her through! Don't let her through!" Henry yells. "Pick her up! Pick her up!"

"I couldn't have called a better assignment." Shawn says.

"Yeah, right, you're a rocket scientist. I thought the police had a suspect from the roller derby like a month ago. Seven, seven..." Henry says.

"Seven Deadly Cinderella." Shawn states. Henry groans as he watches the match. "Yeah, but it didn't go anywhere."

"What did you find that got Chief Vick back onto this roller derby angle?" Henry asks.

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