023. spitball culprit

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Vanessa walks into the psych office holding Madison, the twins in school. Gus is behind her as they enter the room and find Shawn sitting behind a model of the classroom from elementary school. Pipe cleaners are used as people and included the chalkboard and flag in the corner.

"Oh, good, good, you're here." Shawn says.

"Oh, Shawnie, you are really losing it." Vanessa says.

"You texted us seven times. Said it was an emergency." Gus says.

"Yes, a color emergency. But I think I figured it out. The walls were sandbar white to suppress all creative thought and hide the asbestos." Shawn says.

"The walls of what?" Gus asks.

"Miss Lepky's classroom." Shawn states.

"Why is my name on the detention list?" Gus asks.

"You got caught eating a KitKat out of the trash can." Shawn says.

"Gross." Vanessa mumbles.

"The point is, when I left my dad's--"

"You mean stormed out like a little girl?" Gus asks. Madison wiggles in Vanessa's grasp until she lets her down. The 2 year old waddles over to Shawn and holds her arms up. He realizes this and picks her up, placing her on his lap.

"I did not." Shawn protests and his friends give him a look. "I did. I'll give you that. I realized my dad was actually right. I need to broaden my vision. And that's when I remembered. We all switched seats in class that week." Shawn says, extending a pointer.

"Right. I had to sit behind Janie Doran and her creepy neck hair." Gus says.

"And Jimmy," Shawn picks up a pipe cleaner with the pointer. "Moved over two rows, meaning that the second spitter was on the other side." He moves the pipe cleaner to another seat, but it won't come off the pointer. "Gus, get him."

"Shawn, what does this have to do with horse racing?" Gus asks.

"I haven't gotten that far yet." Shawn says.

"Let me know when you figure it out." Gus says, walking out.

"Let go, Jimmy." Shawn shakes the pointer making Madison giggle.

Shawn pulls his phone out.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa asks.

"Calling Gus." Shawn says, finding his friend's contact.

"He's right outside. He's not even in his car yet." Vanessa says, looking through the window.

"Not enough time." Shawn says, putting the phone to his ear. He gets up, going to the doorway with Madison in his arms.

"You're literally walking out." Vanessa says, following him.

"Hello?" Gus answers.

"Dude, I figured it out." Shawn says. Gus turns, finding them in the doorway.

"Was that really necessary?" Gus asks.

"No, but it was dope." Shawn says, closing his phone and going inside. Vanessa rolls her eyes, her and Gus following the brunette in.


They're at Henry's house and are watching the horse race where Juan Carlos died.

"Wait for it." Shawn mumbles. "Right there! The clubhouse turn. Juan Carlos gets hit by something. This was just like the spitball incident with Jimmy. I was so focused on the stretch that I never looked anywhere else. You know, I didn't broaden my vision, dad."

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