022. available for hugs

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The trio are with Jules as the EMTs wheel the gurney holding the jockey's body past them.

"And you guys just happened to be at the track?" Jules asks.

"Jules, it's free churro day." Shawn says.

"Do they have a cause of death yet?" Gus asks.

"Probable heart attack." Juliet says as Lassiter walks over.

"Uh, O'Hara, I need you to interview the rest of those jockeys." Lassiter says, making the blonde groan.

"What is that?" Shawn asks.

"Sorry. It's just little people make me... well, let's just say I had a bad experience with a Christmas elf." Juliet says.

"What, he didn't give you the right present?" Gus asks making Vanessa snort, but cough to cover it up.

"No. We dated. And then he dumped me for a dancer from The Ice Storm on ice." Juliet walks off.

"Ouch." Vanessa mumbles.

"She is an enigma wrapped in a little, blonde riddle." Shawn says.

"Shawn, I don't think Juan Carlos died of a heart attack. I only got to see him for a second, but I'm pretty sure e had blood shot eyes. And his body was totally stiff. That's a reaction to a tranquilizer or even a poison. Something affected his nervous system." Gus states.

"Thank you, Dr. Pratt. See if we can get another look at the body." Shawn says.

"You bet." Gus says.

"Hey, you three, don't go anywhere. I wanna talk to you when I'm done." Lassiter orders.

"Gus has a cramp. I have a cramp? We have to pee." Shawn says.

"Yeah, you know, after giving birth -- three times -- your bladder control is just out of whack. I mean--"

"Okay, okay, okay. No. Gross. Okay." Lassiter quickly cuts Vanessa off. "Fine, just be back in 5 minutes. Or however long that takes."

"I was just trying to inform him of the science of female bodies." Vanessa mutters as Shawn drags her to the gurney.

""We gotta pee?" That's the best you can come up with?" Gus asks.

"Hey, Nessy's TMI rant worked. If I hadn't said that, she wouldn't have thought of that." Shawn says.

"Exactly. But, also you're welcome." Vanessa smiles.

"Just hurry up." Shawn tells Gus who unzips the bag, finding nothing there. "really?" Gus unzips the bag more, still no sign of the body.

"Is it rude to make a munchkinland joke?" Vanessa asks.

"How short was this guy? Give it one more." Shawn says. Gus unzips the bag, finally revealing part of the body. "We have boots."


The trio walk into Vick's office.

"Wait. Everyone stop. Let's acknowledge that the chief is wearing leopard print." Shawn pauses. "And continue. I'm getting something. A rose with, with, with... a thorn. No. A rocket. Rikki Rocket. C.C. Deville."

"David Lee Roth?" Gus and Vanessa ask.

"Wrong band." Shawn says.

"Poison!" Juliet guesses.

"Yes. Poison." Shawn smiles at Juliet. "Juan Carlos was poisoned."

"He's right." Lassiter says.

"Chief, I am so sick of Lassiter treating us like second class citizens." Shawn stops, realizing the detective agreed with him. "What?"

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