chapter fifty-eight

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"Look, call me back, okay? Gus, Nessy, and I are making some serious progress here. Call me back." Shawn says into his phone. He hits the end button and puts it in his pocket. "Straight to voicemail. That's not a good sign."

"Guys, there's no Jeep. I think he drove away in her car. We find the car, we may find the girl." Shawn says. Gus takes his ringing phone out, seeing it's Lassie, and answers it.

"Lassiter, hold on." Gus tells him, handing the phone to Shawn.

"Find the girl's car. It's a black Jeep." Shawn tells him. "Where are you?"


The trio rush into the hotel where SWAT and the police are outside the room. They break the door down and rush in, declaring it clear. The trio go in and find the waitress unconscious and tied to a chair.

"She's breathing." Jules says.

"I'll get the paramedics." Buzz says, walking out.

Lassie takes the gag out of the waitress' mouth and and takes a piece of paper out of her mouth and uncrumbles it.

""Shawn no longer wants to play. Stakes too low to make you stay."" Lassie reads.

Shawn walks around, going into a different part of the room. Vanessa, Gus, and Jules walk over, Vanessa's eyes immediately going to the door. There's a Yin/Yang symbol on the door with a bunch of stuff glued over it, including a small picture of Shawn as a child.

Vanessa looks over at Shawn, seeing him holding a leather purse.

"He's--He's got her. Gus." Shawn quietly says, falling into the arm chair. "He's got my mom."

"But your-- your mom, she-she had my kids. She has--" Vanessa stops, feeling tears grow in her eyes.

Shawn looks around for anything signaling that Vanessa's kids are missing. He opens the purse, pulling out Maddie's teddy bear and the twins' Gameboys, holding them up, and looking at Vanessa.

Vanessa feels her heart drop and the breath get knocked out of her.

"They-- he-- I--" Vanessa loses her balance, starting to fall, but Gus and Lassie both manage to catch her.

"Let's get you sitting down." Lassie says, starting to drag her away.

"No. No, Lassie, I-I need to find them." Vanessa says, fighting against his light pushing. "Stop. I need to find my children, Lassiter!" She shouts.

"We will find your children! But we can't right this minute, you need to sit down." Lassie states.

"I am not going to sit down!" Vanessa yells, glaring up at him.

"I got her." Gus interjects, taking Vanessa from Lassie and leading her away.


"Hey, we'll find the kids. You know we will." Gus says.

"But what if-- what if we--" Vanessa takes a deep breath, trying to keep her tears back and not go into a panic attack. "What if we don't find them alive?" She brokenly whispers. "What-- what if he kills them? What he kills my babies?"

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