chapter sixty-seven

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Juliet called Vanessa earlier saying that Petrovich was after everybody who was on the case, plus Vanessa, Shawn, and Gus given they were credited for it.

Vanessa had called Gus and they talked about it, Gus sharing concern for Shawn since he hadn't answered. Vanessa left her kids with Tobias, under strict instructions for none of them to leave the house and for him to be prepared.

Gus and Vanessa get to the psych office and find Shawn on the elliptical.

"Shawn?" They ask.

"What are you doing?" Gus asks as the two walk over. Shawn doesn't stop as he hands them his water bottle. ""If your heart rate drops below 150, you die"?" Shawn points down and the two look down, seeing a flashing light and there's a beeping.

"The bomb squad is on its way. How did you figure this thing was booby trapped?" Gus asks.

"I saw... that Petrovich went after McNab on the local news. I put it all together." Shawn says. "I can't believe that we're being targeted for a case that we never worked on."

"Well, at least we got paid for it." Gus quips.

"Really? I'm starring in the elliptical version of Speed, and you're guilting me over money?" Shawn asks.

"Just for the record, it's more like Lethal Weapon 2. The one where Danny Glover found the bomb attached to his toilet." Gus says.

"Oh, God, I would kill to be on a toilet right now." Shawn pants. "I'm not gonna die on this thing, am I?"

"Don't think like that, Shawn. Whatever happens, Nessa and I'll be right here." Gus assures.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're not gonna die." Vanessa denies.

"Where the heck are they?" Gus questions.

"Gus... I'm really tired." Shawn says.

"Wait, wait. No, no, no. Just hang in there, Shawn." Gus says.

"Yeah. Yeah, help is on the way. It'll be over soon." Vanessa assures.

"Look, I just-- I just gotta say... that..." Shawn trails off, not able to talk much.

"I know." Gus says. Before Vanessa can say anything, Shawn talks.

"I got $800 for the Petrovich case. Not $500." Shawn states.

"I forgive you." Gus says.

"Wow." Vanessa whispers.

The front door opens and slams.

"Shawn, are you all right?" Jules runs in. "Where's the bomb?"

"It's down there." Shawn points.

"Why are you exercising?" Jules asks.

"If his heart rate drops below 150, he's toast." Gus hands her the bottle.

"Oh, my God, I wrote this note." Jules states.

"What?" Gus and Vanessa question.

"I left it for Shawn as a motivator. I do the same thing before each workout. It's a trick my trainer taught me." Jules states.

"What kind of sick trainer have you been working with?" Shawn asks.

"Your trainer is a sociopath." Vanessa declares.

"Wait a second. So, what is the beeping, blinking thing?" Gus asks.

Jules crouches down and pulls the thing out, holding it up to reveal the phone they were looking for.

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