chapter forty-three

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"I can't believe you did this, Shawn." Gus says. The trio and Vanessa's kids are walking to their seats in the stadium. Vanessa is holding Madison and a few snacks along with some snacks with drinks in the carton.

Shawn is holding his own food and also holding Cassandra's hand who is holding her nachos and drink. Gus is holding his own food and holding onto Zachary's hand who has his own food and drink in hand.

"Apparently you're unaware that some churros have more nutrients than carrots." Shawn says. "12 more of these, I'll have my RDA of riboflavin."

"No, I mean accepting tickets to some ridiculous tractor pull as payment for a case." Gus says.

"Gus-- excuse us." Shawn says to the people at the end of the aisle. Vanessa walks past them and Shawn lets Cassandra go first, holding her hand above her head.

"When your clients are carnie folk, it's this or 20 rides on a rusted Tilt-A-Whirl." Shawn says, sitting down in his seat. Cassandra is next to him, Madison in the next seat, and Vanessa at the end. Zachary sits next to Shawn and Gus is on the other side of him. "And I remember the last time you got on one of those."

"You know I had early onset vertigo." Gus says.

"Yeah, sure." Vanessa mumbles.

"The important thing is that Wolf Boy and his gold teeth have been reunited." Shawn says. He reaches over Zachary and tries to take some of Gus' nachos, but Gus slaps his friend's hand. "Ow! Ow." Shawn pulls his hand away, shaking it to help the pain.

"Don't play, Shawn." Gus says.

Cassandra taps Shawn on the arm to get his attention and he turns to her. The girl holds her nachos out and he looks at her appreciative and takes a few.

"Thank you, Cass." Shawn says and she smiles at him. Shawn leans closer to her. "Do not tell your siblings, but you are my favorite." He quietly tells her making her grin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge Santa Barbara welcome to our opening act." The announcer over the PA says. "Put your hands together for the heart stopping, gravity mystifying, death defying Dutch "The Clutch" Jenkins!"

The crowd cheers as the man walks out.

"I can't believe it, dude. It's Dutch the Clutch." Shawn says.

"What, you know that guy?" Gus asks.

"Dude, you don't remember Dutch the Clutch?" Shawn asks. "He was on That's Incredible once when we were kids, and he jumped Springfield Gorge."

"That was Homer Simpson." Gus corrects.

"Okay, kids, whatever we're about to see, you are never, never allowed to try at home or anywhere else. Ever." Vanessa states.

"Dutch will attempt to launch himself through the ring of fire and land safely on the other side." The announcer says. "But for the first time ever, Dutch will attempt this stunt without the benefit of his sight!"

"Yeah, no, never!" Vanessa shouts.

"That guy is crazy." Gus states.

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