chapter forty

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Vanessa and Shawn are at Psych and watching security footage from the museum for the case they're working on.

"What are you watching?" Gus asks, walking in.

"Security videos from the museum." Shawn says.

"Videos? As in actual video tapes?" Gus asks.

"Well, their system could use an overhaul." Shawn says. Gus pulls up a chair and sits next to them, but Shawn stands up and blocks the TV.

"Where are the tapes from the other cameras?" Gus asks.

"That's it." Shawn says.

"One tape?" Gus asks, trying to look around Shawn at the TV, but Shawn continues to block him.

"Yeah, it's on a rotation. It's actually not a bad system, you know? It appears you can't leave the museum without getting caught by the cameras."

"So it's sufficient?" Gus asks.

"Maybe." Shawn says, turning the TV off. "We should, probably check it out for ourselves, though. What say you?"

"Sure." Gus nods.

"There's one thing you should probably know before we get there." Shawn says.


""Paleo-sleuth Shawn Spencer?"" Gus asks, looking at the plaque for his friend.

"I know." Shawn says.

"Nessa and I dug that thing up too." Gus says.

"Gus, believe me, I was appalled myself at first. Sickened, really. But then I noticed, look! They didn't forget you guys completely." Shawn says.

"Where?" Gus asks.

"There, right there. The "photo by section." Shawn points out.

"That says "photo by Bruton Gaster and Vanessa O'Brien."" Gus says.

"Well, I gave 'em the info when I was driving through a tunnel, so that probably played a role." Shawn says.

"Her name is correct." Gus says. "I want a new plaque, Shawn. I want it tomorrow. I want my name in big yellow letters that blink, and why won't you even tell me what this museum case is about?"

"In time. In time." Shawn says.

"How are you not more worked up over everything?" Gus asks.

"I don't really care." Vanessa shrugs.

"Gentlemen, lady, thank you for coming." A woman greets, walking over to them. "Mr. Spencer, very good to see you again." She shakes Shawn's hand. "You must be Mr. Gaster and Ms. O'Brien." She says, shaking their hands.

"Guster, Burton Guster. You people ever hear of spell checker?" Gus asks.

"I was just giving Gaster here all the specifics." Shawn says.

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