031. merry christmas

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"We got here as fast as we could." Shawn tells Gus' parents as the five of them are in an interrogation room.

"This is our worst nightmare. It seems like everything is conspiring against us. So we lawyered up. That's how they say it in the bucket, son. WHere I did an eight hour bid." Bill says.

"I don't know those words." Winnie says before sobbing. "I'm not gonna do well in prison."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You'll be fine." Bill comforts her. "She's not gonna make it." He mouths to Gus.

"I told you, nobody's going to prison." Gus says.

"Mrs. G., why didn't you tell anybody that Old Man Fuller was blackmailing you for all these years?" Shawn asks.

"I wanted to, believe me, I did, but I couldn't. You see, this all started when Bill's sailboat caught fire. I tried to muster up the courage to tell everybody that it was my fault. But before I could, the insurance company had paid everything off already. Well, somehow, Fuller knew the truth of what happened. He threatened to turn me in for insurance fraud if I didn't pay him every month. Well, he was so old, I figured paying him off for the rest of his life was the cheapest route."

"To the police it looks like motive." Gus says.

"I know. But don't worry, son. We have called nana. She's to look after you in case anything should happen to the two of us." Winnie says.

"Mom, I don't need my grandmother, who lives in a nursing home to look after me." Gus says.

"We hear you, son. We hear you. Anyway, it's just until we can raise the money to post your mother's bail and pay our legal bills." Bill says.

"Whatever the cost is, I'll cover it. Don't worry about it." Gus says.

"We appreciate the gesture, Burton. But, son, we're talking real money." Bill says.

"You have a savings account in a penny jar. I have a 401K, a diversified asset allocated portfolio full of securities and equity to tap into." Gus says.

"He's always been so good with big words." Winnie says, turning to her husband. "How much do you think we can get for the Cutlass, dear?"

"Stop it! I can't take anymore!" Gus snaps. "All my life it's been "Gus can't handle this!" "Protect Gus from that!" Well, guess what? I'm the most responsible, well-prepared, non criminal record having adult in this room."

"Excuse you?" Vanessa snaps her head in his direction.

"You've been in a holding cell." Gus reminds.

"Wha-- for one night when I was nineteen. And it was because of Shawn." Vanessa says.

"Wh-- hey. I didn't make you cover for me." Shawn says.

"True, I could've let your dad murder you." Vanessa says.

"Back on topic." Gus says. "It's high time you two stopped babying me. I'm 29 years old. And by the way, I know you've been married for 28 years. I did the math a long time ago. So stop protecting me from that. Starting now, I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna give you money." Gus wraps his arms around his friends.

"And we're gonna solve this case. Shawn may not have always been the best influence on me, and sometimes not Vanessa, but they've always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. And right now, I believe in them."

"Believe in me for what?" Vanessa whispers.

"We hear ya, son." Bill says.

"I'm starting to think he just says that so you'll shut up." Vanessa whispers.

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