chapter fifty-seven

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"Hey, can I get you guys anything else before I close your check out?" The waitress asks, walking up to the table.

"As a matter of fact, you can. My partner, Trapeezius Milkington, would like to see something in a Belgian waffle." Shawn says.

"Shawn, it's 12:30. I do not want waffles or eggs or malt-o-meal." Gus states.

"All right. What would you recommend?" Shawn asks the waitress.

"Oh, my gosh. If you're going to do this, I'm going to the bathroom." Gus says. "Excuse me." He tells the waitress, walking away.

"I'm gonna go puke." Vanessa says, leaving.


"Done. How you like them apples?" Shawn asks as the trio walk to the Psych office.

"I sincerely hope you didn't just do that to prove a point. She's a real person, Shawn. That's no joke." Gus says.

"Who's a real person? What did I miss and what am I still missing?" Vanessa asks.

"Shawn asked Abigail out." Gus informs making Vanessa stop.

"He-- he what?" Vanessa asks, looking between them. "As in high school Abigail? Abigail you left on the pier Abigail?"

"Yes. Yes, that Abigail." Shawn nods.

"I thought you guys, you know, had closure." Vanessa says.

"Well, the closure has been unclosed." Shawn says as his phone starts ringing. "She misses me already." He says, taking his phone out.

"I was surprised he didn't ask you, either." Gus quietly tells her.

"Right. Well, three kids. He probably doesn't want that much commitment." Vanessa says.

"Oh." Shawn answers the phone. "Chief." He hangs up after a few seconds. "That's weird."


"We received the following letter about an hour ago. It has been authenticated. It's from the Yin Yang killer. Pay close attention." Vick orders as the whole station is gathered around to observe the evidence that's on the projector.

""Hey, everybody, I'm back. For one night only. I'm going to kill someone tonight. Guess who? Guess where? Guess how? This is going to be so much fun. Signed, Mr. Yang."" Lassie reads.

"He's looking for a new challenger. That's what he does." Vick says.

"Chief, I believe he's speaking to me." Lassie says. "Trust me. I am ready." He assures. Vick gives him a look and then hits a button on the remote to change the screen.

P.S. ... oh, and bring your psychic along

"Well, that's not good." Vanessa mutters.

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