025. assistant contract

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Shawn, Gus, and Vanessa walk into the kitchen at Antonio's.

"Let's make this quick before Uncle Burton starts thinking we're sticking him with the check." Gus says.

"Fire up the entrees for the eight-top." Antonio orders.

"You got it, chef." A cook says.

"Mario, where are my starters? Hurry up!" Antonio exclaims.

"Almost ready." Mario says.

"Hey, Chef Antonio. We'd like to ask you a couple questions." Shawn says.

"Sorry, guys, no customers allowed in the kitchen, okay? Area fresca." Antonio tells the trio.

"No, we're not customers." Gus says.

"We're from the health department." Shawn shows a fake badge. "Here for a surprise inspection." Shawn says.

"Again? We just had the surprise inspection a few days ago. Why, is there a problem?" Antonio asks.

"Yes. You weren't surprised enough." Shawn says.

"Let's make this quick." Antonio says, showing them around while talking. "Walls and the floor are clean. Drainage is clear. Hand washing station is stocked with soap and clean towels. Dry food storage over there, walk in freezer over here." He opens the freezer door.

"Looks good." Gus says.

"Aren't you supposed to check the temperature?" Antonio asks.

"Of course. Gus, Nessy, go ahead, check the temperature." Shawn says.

"Excuse me?" Vanessa questions.

"Me? Why do I have to do it?" Gus asks.

"Dudes, I'm wearing short sleeves." Shawn says.

"God, the one day I wear a sweater." Vanessa mumbles under her breath. "It's not even a warm sweater." She grumbles, her and Gus walking into the freezer.

"So did you hear what happened to the food critic down at the Mirror? That's some nasty business, huh?" Shawn asks.

"Sure, I heard about Wagner. I don't say I'm sad. Ten years I've been working in this town, that man never gave my food a good review." Antonio says.

They walk away and Gus and Vanessa follow, shutting the freezer door.

"Sounds like you're not very fond of the guy." Shawn says.

"Vince Wagner made my life miserable with his asinine reviews. Honestly, I am glad that that bastard is dead!" Antonio exclaims.

"Chef Antonio!" Lassiter calls. He turns to the two detective who walk in with a few police officers. "You're under arrest for the murder of Vince Wagner. Take him." One officer walks over and ushers Antonio out of the room.

"Murder? Is this a joke? I... who put you up to this? Get your hands off--"

"Jules, what's going on here?" Shawn asks.

"Tox screen came back positive. Apparently Wagner ate a poisonous mushroom called the "death cap."" Juliet informs.

"Who calls a mushroom the "death cap"?" Vanessa questions.

"What are you saying?" Shawn asks.

"There were death caps in the mushroom risotto Wagner ate here the day before he died. We found the leftovers in the his fridge." Lassiter states.

"Looks like you were right, Shawn. Or Gus. Or whoever." Juliet says. Her and Lassiter leave.

"What a relief. We caught the guy, we solved the case, and best of all, I don't have to be psychic anymore." Gus says.

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