chapter eighty

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The trio are back at the mental institution and visiting Yang. She's sitting on the floor in her cell and has a big red bouncy ball.

"You're interrupting my exercise time, Shawn. I only get 45 minutes a week. Aside from shock treatments, this is all I have to look forward to." Yang says.

"That and Hell." Gus comments. They watch Yang roll the ball into the corner.

"Roll it back, Reginald!" She yells.

"Who the hell is she talking to?" Gus mutters.

"Look, your partner wore ankle weights to throw me off. I was wrong about Mary." Shawn says.

"I know. Such a shame. My lady guard friend told me. Please don't beat yourself up, Shawn. The guy creeped me out. This was an honest mistake." Yang says.

"Look, we need your help." Gus says.

"Unfortunately." Vanessa mutters.

"Oh, little brooding brown one, and grudge holding, protective mama bear. I've already given you all the help you need to catch Yin." Yang says.

""Grudge holding"? You almost killed all three of my children. I'd have to be psycho to forgive you." Vanessa states.

"It's water under the bridge." Yang says.

"No, trust me, your ass is drowning in the water. The bridge is under the water." Vanessa says.

"You just seem bat ass crazy to me." Gus says.

"Never... judge a book by its cover." Yang says. "No matter how sexy that picture might be." They turn away from the cell and Shawn lets out a heavy sigh.

"Give me the book." Shawn says.

"Shawn, I read this book cover to cover. I've poured over it." Gus says, taking the book out of his suit and giving it to Shawn.

"Cover to cover." Shawn says.

"What?" Gus asks. Shawn takes the cover off the book, giving the book back to Gus. Shawn holds it up, a stick figure drawing on it.

"Look at that." Shawn points it out to his friends.

"Nice. She drew a self portrait just for you." Gus remarks. "But what does it mean?" Shawn's phone rings and he answers it.

"Chief." He pulls the phone away from his ear. "Yin sent another clue." He informs.


"We have the address. The time will be 9:00 P.M. He wants you all to show up there, where he has created his own movie set." Vick explains to the trio and two detectives as they sit in the conference room.

"I'm done watching movies, chief." Lassie says.

"Exactly, detective. You now are the movie." Vick states. "He's cast you all as archetypal characters from Hitchcock's canon. There will be clues that lead you to catching him, based on the plots of those films."

As she talks, Vick flips through the different screens of the group next to an actor assigned to them. Lassie and Rod Taylor, Shawn and James Stewart, and Jules and Kim Novak.

"You serious about this?" Lassie asks. "We're just supposed to play dress up all night?"

"We will do whatever it takes, detective. He is giving us an opportunity to catch him before he kills again." Vick says. She changes the screen to show Gus and Canada Lee and then it changes again with Vanessa next to Kasey Rogers who she recognizes as Miriam from Strangers on a Train.

Vanessa quickly remembers that Miriam is killed in the movie, her anxiety somewhat spiking.

"Now, I'm not sending you in there like sitting ducks. He's made it very clear that you are to come alone. But the only way that this is going to work is if I set the team up on the outside and cover the perimeter." Vick says.

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