chapter fifty-nine

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The trio enter Vick's office, where she and Lassie are. Vanessa is holding Madison in her arms, her free hand clasped around Cassie's hand and Zach is clutching onto his mother's shirt so he doesn't get lost.

It's been a few months since the Yang case and Vanessa tries to be with her children as much as possible. For the first few weeks, they all slept in her bed. Vanessa got very few hours of sleep for a while, running on coffee and maybe one or two hours of sleep.

Her mind could not get her twins in the back of the car with a bomb or Madison on Yang's lap out of her head. She wanted to seek comfort from Shawn, but he started acting weird around her almost immediately after the case.

She knew that kiss would ruin everything.

She got comfort for Gus for a while, but as much as she loves him, it just didn't do it for her. So she turned to Jules after the detective witnessed her breaking down in the bathroom at the station.

Jules had comforted Vanessa until she was able to calm down, and then went on to continue to comfort her friend whenever needed. Jules has even stayed over at Vanessa's house a few times to help assure her that she and the kids were safe.

Vanessa has started to confide to Jules in everything, ranging from her PTSD to Shawn, the woman listening to every word.

"Lassie." Shawn says, seeing the man's buzzcut.

"Wow." Gus says.

"Well, that's new." Vanessa comments.

"Is your hair starting its own cult?" Shawn asks.

"Trying to do a performance review here, Mr. Spencer." Vick informs. "I thank you not to bother us."

"That seems like a strange thing to thank me for, but you're welcome, of course." Shawn says.

"That's not what she meant and you know it." Vanessa says.

"Right." Shawn mutters, flicking his eyes over her face, but avoiding her own gaze.

"What? No witty comeback?" Vanessa asks.

"I, uh, I... you know, it's all... how you doing right now?" Shawn asks.

"Would you go back to normal?" Vanessa asks.

"Well, as a show of gratitude--" Shawn turns his attention back to Vick. "How about a little advance on our next case?"

"You do realize you're not an actual employee of the police department?" Lassie inquires.

"Define "actual." Wait, define "police." Wait--"

"I'm not giving you an advance on a case that may or may not happen in the future." Vick says, cutting Shawn off.

Shawn makes a noise of protest, putting his hand to his temple.

"Perhaps I know something you don't." Shawn says and Vick gives him a look. "No? Well, let's be honest. It's not like crime is going to suddenly stop, is it, Gus?"

"Seems very unlikely." Gus says.

"Out." Vick orders.

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