chapter seventy-five

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"Jules, we got your message. What's up?" Shawn asks, the trio walking into the station.

"We haven't been able to get ahold of Brian Sampson." Jules states.

"Sampson, great name. Sounds like one of the dwarf warriors from Willow." Shawn says.

"Shawn, we've been through this already. Sampson is Stu's business partner, remember?" Gus says.

"But we were able to track down Sampson and Stu's assistant, Charles Lucas." Jules states. "Lassiter has him in interrogation room A but he claims that he doesn't know anything."

"You want me to get in there and read him because I can always tell when somebody's hiding something. Isn't that right, Gus, Nessy?" Shawn asks.

"Meh." Vanessa shrugs.

"Why do you keep looking away from me when I talk to you?" Shawn asks Gus. "You've been doing that all morning."

"I have something in my eye, Shawn." Gus says.

"Here, what is it?" Shawn asks.

"Monkey brush." Gus swats him away.

"I've never heard of that." Shawn says.

"Oh, okay, so now you're gonna tell me monkey brush doesn't even exist?" Gus asks, walking off.

"I honestly don't think it does." Vanessa says, following him.

"Gus, don't be the new Meshach Taylor." Shawn says.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Shawn." Gus states.

They get to the interrogation room and walk in.

"Thanks, Lassie, we'll take it from here." Shawn says.

"Let's get one thing straight, Spencer, you are here to observe this interrogation and nothing more." Lassie says. "Understood?"

"Absolutely." Shawn says. "I've got something. You were at the river the day that Stu disappeared."

"Yeah, I was there. But only because Stu asked me to drop him off and then drive his car down river so he wouldn't have to catch a ride back." Charles says. "Then I called a cab and went home."

"You're lying." Lassie insists.

"He's not lying." Shawn quietly tells his friends. "His lip is completely still, there's no sweat on the forehead, fingers aren't trembling." Shawn walks to the other side of the table.

"Dude, stop breathing down my neck." Vanessa hisses at Gus, shoving him away. Her eyebrows furrow in both confusion and concern at the sweat coating his forehead. "Dude, are you sick?"

"I'm fine." Gus looks away from her.

"You're hiding something." Shawn states.

"No, I'm not." Charles says in a bored tone.

"I want the truth." Shawn says.

"That is the truth." Charles says.

"Exactly who are we interrogating right now?" Lassie asks.

"Gus, what are you hiding?" Shawn asks.

"I'm not hiding anything, Shawn. You're crazy. Lassiter, tell him he's crazy." Gus says.

"No, he's hiding something." Lassie nods.

"Let's go." Gus walks out, his two friends following him.

"Dude, Ruby said something to you, didn't she?" Shawn asks.

"Who?" Gus asks.

"Ruby, who's only guilty of being awesome." Shawn says.

"They just found a body in the woods." Jules informs. "It's Stu's business partner."

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