chapter seventy-seven

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Tobias leads his nieces and nephew into the Psych office, holding the door open for them as they rush in.

"When is mommy gonna be back?" Cassie asks.

"In an hour or two. She won't be too long." Tobias promises, following them inside. The four come to a stop as they find a man sleeping in one of the armchairs.

"Who's that?" Maddie asks, looking up at her uncle.

"I, uh... no idea." Tobias shrugs. "It's not one of your mom's friends?"

"Mom's only friends with Uncle Shawn, Uncle Gus, and Aunt Jules. Plus whatever Uncle Lassie is." Zach says.

"He actually lets you call him Uncle Lassie?" Tobias asks.

"No. We just do it to annoy him." Zach mischievously grins, him and his sisters giggling.

"He's funny when he's mad." Cassie giggles.

"Man, you three are evil." Tobias mutters. Maddie walks up to the unknown man and goes to poke his arm. "Ah, ah, ah. No." Tobias pulls her away. "We don't poke people we don't know."

"How are we supposed to wake him up?" Cassie asks.

"I don't know, but don't touch him." Tobias orders.

"Why? Do you think he has rabies or something?" Cassie asks.

"I doubt he'd be sleeping with rabies. But... you know, he could have something." Tobias says.

"So what do we do?" Zach asks.

Tobias looks around as he considers. He finds a long pointer stick with a foam hand on one end of it.

"Stay behind me." Tobias tells the three. He slowly reaches the hand end of the pointer towards the sleeping man, the three children watching as it gets closer.

They all look over as the door opens, Shawn and Gus walking in, and Tobias quickly pulls the pointer away from the guy.

"What are you doing?" Gus asks the youngest O'Brien sibling.

"Uh... nothing." Tobias answers.

"He was gonna poke the guy to wake him up." Cassie informs. Tobias shushes her.

"Really?" Gus asks, giving him a look of disbelief.

"Well... I mean, what else did you expect me to do?" Tobias asks.

"Where's Nessy?" Shawn asks.

"Oh, uh, she went out to lunch with some dude she's been talking to." Tobias informs.

"Wha-- you, uh... you mean like a date?" Shawn asks.

"That's what the kids seem to be calling it these days." Tobias says, a small amused smirk growing at Shawn's jealousy.

"I-I say we don't call it that." Shawn says. "Who is this... this dude?"

"Some guy she met at Zach's Cub Scouts." Tobias answers.

"Oh, come on. He's got a kid? Do you know how hard it is to date somebody who's got kids?" Shawn asks.

"She has kids." Tobias retorts.

"Well... you know, it's... different." Shawn mumbles.

"Jealous much?" Tobias asks, smirking.

"Jules went out for coffee with a guy." Shawn informs.

"She... what?" Tobias asks.

"Mm-hmm. Cute, little date. Dude from forensics." Shawn states.

"The big ears dude?" Tobias asks and Shawn nods.

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