017. dinosaur

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Gus and Vanessa walk onto the beach and over to where Shawn, Juliet, Vick, and Lassiter are at a crime scene.

"So, what's the new case we've got?" Gus asks.

"A slight error in grammar there, buddy." Shawn says.

"Which part?" Gus asks.

""Got"." Shawn says.

"I came all the way down from the office, Shawn." Gus says.

"I was doing housework, but, yeah, anything to get out of that." Vanessa says.

"Gus, don't be a giant snapping turtle. We'll have a case in 5 minutes." Shawn says.

Lassiter walks over and snatches his notes out of Shawn's hands. The three friends duck under the tape and follow Lassiter to the body.

"Nobody can explain these puncture wounds. We can't rule out an animal attack." Vick states.

"No. No, there's nothing in these waters with a bite radius that large. No, this is maybe a boating accident. The wounds caused by some machinery. I can't really be sure at this juncture." Lassiter says.

"Completely stumped. Hmm." Shawn hums.

"You getting something, Mr. Spencer?" Vick asks.

"Yes. Yes, I am." Shawn takes a pad of paper and pen from Lassiter and starts drawing.

"No, no, no! No, hold on. Okay, I've got it. The wound on the head was caused by the edge of a boat when he fell in the water unconscious. And the wounds on the back, they were caused by a large industrial crab trap. Or a whale. It definitely could've been a whale. I mean, lost from his pod, separated, migrating north or south, and sees our man dead, already floating up above the surface. Thinks it's a seal and then..." Lassiter motions a bite with his hands. "Whale."

"A whale?" Gus and Vanessa question.

"What's your guy got?" Juliet asks.

"Watch and learn, Jules. Watch and learn." Gus says.

"Or..." Lassiter starts.

"Detective, if you don't mind, I'd like to see what Mr. Spencer has to offer." Vick says.

"I'm sure he minds, but he won't say anything." Vanessa says. Lassiter glares at her and she grins.

"All right, look, this is gonna be a little rough, okay? I didn't have time for shading, there's no forced perspective. If I had really had my druthers, I would've done it in charcoal." Shawn says, pointing to his friends. "You know what I'm talking about. Look, what I'm trying to say is, I'm not the artist I'd like to be--"

"Okay, Mr. Spencer, enough. Can you or can you not tell us who's responsible for this man's death?" Vick asks.

"If I can represent you with a semi accurate sketch of the culprit, is that enough to get us on this case?" Shawn asks.

"Yes." Vick nods.

"All right. The puncture wounds. They're the key. Giving me the impression that this crime could only have been committed..." Shawn flips the pad over, revealing his drawing of a T-Rex. "By this guy. This guy here."

Lassiter smiles and puts his sunglasses on, taking the objects from Shawn.

"Excuse me." Lassiter walks away.

"What?" Shawn asks as Vick and Juliet leave. "Chief, where are you off to? So what, that's a no?" Gus and Vanessa leave. "Gus, Nessy!"


"You're mad." Shawn states, following his friends into the psych office.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm happy. I'm thrilled. I love looking like an idiot." Gus says.

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