021. old bully

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Vanessa, Gus, and Shawn run away with some other kids from the biggest bully in school. They run into the building and the trio hide behind the wall by the water fountain.

"Do you think he saw us?" Shawn asks and Gus squeaks.

"What up, dipwads." The bully grabs them and throws them against the lockers.

"Oh, no, Jimmy Nickles!" Shawn exclaims.

"Gimme the money!" Jimmy orders.

"Actually, we didn't bring it today." Shawn says.

"here you go." Gus gives Jimmy money.

"Gus!" Shawn complains.

"Give it up, Spencer. Or I'll shove a Jimmy Nickle sandwich right in your grill!" Jimmy threatens.

"I think it's a knuckle sandwich." Gus corrects. Jimmy leans towards him making him back up and whimper in fear.

"Okay, okay." Shawn says, taking his money out and letting Jimmy take out.

"O'Brien." Jimmy looks at her. Vanessa rolls her eyes, giving him her money.

"And from the kangaroos?" Jimmy turns back to Shawn. He takes his money out of his shoe, giving it to Jimmy. "See you tomorrow, butt munches. It's sloppy joes and tater tots." Jimmy leaves.

"You know, guys, one of these days, we're gonna stand up to Jimmy Nickles." Shawn says.

"Yeah, I think I'll stay home sick that day." Gus says, Vanessa nodding in agreement.

present day

"It's about time." Shawn says as Gus walks into the psych office. Vanessa is already there and sitting at her desk with her 2 year old on her lap. It's Saturday so the twins are here too, playing with each other in the other room.

"Sit down, I have troubling news." Shawn tells Gus.

"Please, do it. He will not tell me what's happening." Vanessa groans.

"You forgot to Tivo America's Next Top Model, didn't you?" Gus asks. "Why is it so hard to set the season pass?"

"It's not Top Model related." Shawn says.

"What is it?" Gus asks.

"Jimmy Nicholas called." Shawn states.

"Jimmy Nickles called us? From where?" Gus asks. "Prison?"

"I don't think so. It didn't sound like it." Shawn says. "What does prison sound like? Is there singing?"


"I don't know. He left a message."

"Don't you dare return that call."

"I don't need to. He's coming here in 5 minutes." Shawn states and Gus panics, shutting the door.

"Jimmy Nickles coming here?" Gus asks. "In 5 minutes?"

"Yeah." Shawn nods.

"Oh, hell no. Kids! We're leaving!" Vanessa announces, picking Madison up. "Let's go!" She starts packing their stuff up as two 6 year olds rush in.

"Nessy, I really don't think--" She cuts Shawn off.

"He is not stepping foot near my children."

"Okay, okay, we can handle this." Gus says. "I'm gonna go print out a fake foreclosure notice and stick it on the front door. And then we both go outside and scrape the "Psych" sign off the front window."

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