028. finding a nanny

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The three best friends are walking in the parking lot of the station, heading inside.

"All right, tell me exactly what she said. Use her words." Shawn orders.

"She said, "Hello, this is Chief Vick."" Gus says.

"It's a good start, Gus. I love it when she says that." Shawn says.

""I have something big to talk to you about. It's top secret. Come down to the station as soon as you can."" Gus recites.

"Do you realize what this means? It means we're taking it to the next level. She said "big" and "top secret." That's two of our favorite '80s movies." Shawn says as they walk in the building.

"I read about the international yacht bandit. I bet you we're going undercover on a yacht." Gus says.

"Gus, let's not get ahead of ourselves. She may want us to catch that guy who's been stalking lingerie models." Shawn says.

"I know what it is. Last night on the news, I saw something about a blimp." Gus says.

"Blimp rides!" The three exclaim.

"Shotgun." Shawn says.

"You can't call shotgun on a blimp." Gus says.

"Don't think that's thing." Vanessa comments.

"You can call shotgun anywhere except a crowded movie theater." Shawn says.

They get into Vick's office.

"All right, close the blinds, shut the door, and remain completely silent. This is big." Vick orders. They do as told and stand in front of her desk afterwards. "Look, I'm trusting you three to be professional and to keep this matter completely confidential."

"You got it." Gus says.

"Lips are sealed." Vanessa promises.

"If you knew how many secrets I was keeping from you already, you'd totally trust me." Shawn says.

"It involves a nanny." Vick says.

"Nanny serial killer?" Shawn asks.

"Nanny on the run?" Vanessa questions.

"Nanny arsonist?" Gus asks.

"Does she fly a blimp, by chance?" Shawn asks.

"No. I need you to hire me a nanny." Vick says.

"Our big case is finding you a nanny? For your baby?" Shawn questions.

"Well, I'd be hiring you privately, of course. But I cannot stress how important this is." Vick says.

"Of course. Our children are our most precious resources." Gus says.

"Yes, that." Vick says, not fully focused.

"Sometimes." Vanessa mumbles and Gus looks at her. "Wh-- I love 'em, but they can get annoying sometimes."

"Also, I haven't slept in weeks." Vick states.

"Feel that." Vanessa mumbles.

"See, my nephew was nannying her. And then he went back to nursing school. And ever since he left, she won't fall asleep, which means that I don't fall asleep. Are you up for this job?!"

"I..." Shawn trails off and Gus nudges him. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess."

"See, I can run the background checks on nannies. Of course, not to mention, the drug testing, the psychological briefings, but I want to hire you three to physically read the best candidate." Vick says.

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