day 268

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9:59 pm

He finally said it guys. He finally admitted to having feelings for me. He actually said the words "I like you". I've waited so long for him to say them. I know that he's likes me but he's never come out and said it.

I was super surprised when he did cause he's only said that he's liked me once before. And that was when we were 18. It's just funny how things go about. But we both did agree that although we like each other we're just not ready for a relationship.

I think I'm just scared of that commitment. Especially at 20 yrs. old I don't need that type of pressure. And honestly I think me and E would crack under the pressure of putting a label on us. I think we wouldn't work having a label on us.

Cause like I said a few days ago. What me and him have is great. We're happy and satisfied. We aren't together and yes we're both gonna talk to other people if that comes along but it's like for right now we're good. When we're together it's like it me and him are in our own little world.

We'll talk and whisper to each other. With one look we both know exactly what the other is saying. And we just have so much fun together honestly. We're good like this. And I don't want to ruin that.

He was talking about the future and his future career. And he said oh your best friend well we don't know what we'll be in the future. He was trying to say that we'll either be best friends in the future or married. And I agreed. I told him that if that's the path that life takes us to then that's it. If we're truly meant to be trust me that moment will come.

Trust that it will happen at the perfect time. When we're both perfect for each other. I feel like I'm personally really working on myself as a person. And I think that the time that we're taking now of not being together is almost our time to sort of grow up as individuals so that at some point when we get together we'll be the best versions of ourselves.

But only time will tell. For right now we're good.

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