Deja Vu - Hailey Upton

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Based on Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo. Also mentions of violence, drugs, depressive thoughts, and death.

When Erin Lindsay left you felt a little lost. Only because she was like your best friend. One that gave you guidance for everything. Literally everything. She supported you and never left you behind.

Well until now at least. Kevin and Kim two individuals that were basically your siblings helped you the most that they could. You use to share an apartment with Erin. You couldn't stay there anymore once she left, so you left. You didn't wait for the lease to be up or anything. Just left.

This lead to you staying the night at Kim's, Kevin's, rarely Voight's, and even Jay's. That's until Hailey showed up with papers saying that she knew about a new place. An apartment that was in her building.

This was the start of a whole new adventure for you. You and the team moved all of your stuff the following week and you settled in.

Now it all came down to you being partnered up with Hailey all the time in the unit. You two would get the job done easily. You even took the fall for her a few times. Which Voight knew about, but didn't blame you. You always did the same for Kevin and Kim.

That's until one day you were all at the bar after work. You leaning against Hailey in between her legs and arguing with the boys about sports. A common thing you would do and you always managed to be right.

It gets even worse on game nights because they think you are cheating. Then Adam offers to deal you in on their blackjack game.

"I'm game Ruz. Boys don't put out money you know you can't get back." Hailey kisses your head and lets you go to the table.

"You know she's about to have all of your drinks paid for by the end of this right?" Jay laughs and tells Hailey.

"Only she can beat the boys at what they apparently do best." Hailey says as she stares at you.

"Ohh please wait until they find out she joined the flag football team they made this year. She is going......." Kim adds in but stops mid-sentence. Jay looks where she's looking.

"Ohh shit." They both whisper. Jay instantly signals to Kevin to keep you from seeing the person that just walked in. Hailey sees her and doesn't look the happiest to see her.

"Ohh your back in town. Here to stay or is it temporary?" Sylvie says and anyone nearby can hear the venom behind it.

"I'm just visiting. Thought I could come back and see the one person I......." She turns to look at you at the table with the boys playing cards. "Y/n." She says loudly. You freeze from your slight celebration of getting the $178 in the pot.

"You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to." Kevin tells me.

"Actually Kev you take my spot. I think I'm going to head home for the night." He nods completely understanding the situation and you start to walk out.

"Y/n wait."

"Don't you've caused enough damage already Erin." Jay says as Hailey flies out to follow you. You felt the world spinning for a minute, but calmed yourself as you thought of Hailey holding you. Not long after the thought, you felt her holding you.

"Breath, I know." You wrap your arms around her tighter and she just holds you. "Let's get you out of here. Let's watch some cartoons?" You nod not really having the words. That's when the teammates that were their walkout along with some of Firehouse 51.

"We thought you could use the movie night." Cruz says as he walks out with a Don Julio bottle. Your favorite tequila. "Herrmann said on him, but to be responsible. Whatever that means."

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