Thank You for ...... - BAU

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Mentions of violence, eating disorder and death

"Wake up sweetheart." You straighten up and look around. Then you feel a gun pressed against your temple.

"Ready to play round one of our game?"

"What game?" You pull your head away from the gun.

"Let's play some Russian roulette." Your vision starts to get blurry and he tap your face lightly. "Look at me." You do. "Feeling light headed?" You nod slowly.

"Can I have water?" He sighs but nods and gets it.

"You know for you to be such a smart agent you still have some stupid tendencies." You sip the water and then thank him. "Let's get to the game. I'm going to put two bullets in here. Might be two fakes or one and one or two real ones."

You nod. "I'll free this one hand." He unlocks it from the chair. "Here is the deal. You can aim it at any body part and one time at me if you are feeling lucky. Got it?"


"Great let's start. Ohhh I forgot one more thing." He reaches down and grabs the camera. Setting it up in front of you. "For your team." In that moment you knew you weren't dying today.

Like you thought the first time you played it was two blanks. The second day you played it was 1 blank and 1 real bullet. He got it and fired it right past your head at the wall. You didn't jump but your ear was ringing.

"You are a very brave and bold individual I like you." He gets up. "Have you figured out how I got you yet?"

"Not fully but maybe if we talk some more." He laughs and leaves you alone. You found him but he got the drop on you. Barely. It's your fault. You sit alone with your thoughts.

At the BAU

"It's been a week! A fucking week and we have nothing! We need fucking answers!" A guy enters the room with mail. He places it on the table and they thank the fellow agent.

Tara grabs it with gloves and dusts it for prints. Nothing. It was another DVD. Garcia plays it and it's you in the same chair. Blood on your face. The guy hand appears and wipes it off your face.

"She looks so small." They hear you ask for water.

"Still not asking for food. Do you want to perish agent?"

"Either you kill me or hunger will."

"Did any of you know that her eating disorder was back?" Tara asks.

"JJ and I have been making sure she eats for every meal. She's been snacking." Emily points out.

"Maybe he's not feeding her?" Luke says.

"He asked her. That's how he got her. She must've been light headed or something." They watch as you guys play Russian Roulette. They all jump when he fires the gun aimed at your head. At least that's what they thought. The camera fell over.

The camera settles back on you and they all sigh in relief to see you sitting there. "You are a very brave and bold individual I like you." He cuts the camera.

"We need to bring in reinforcements." Rossi says and they all nod in agreement. They were lucky you were still alive but it's been a week. Time is definitely ticking.

Unknown Location

"Good morning agent." He sets the camera up in front of you. You had these terrible stomach pains.

"Can I have something to eat?" He smiles at you.

"Sure thing. After we talk a bit. You figure out how long I've been watching you?"

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