Taken - Jemily

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"Fuck! It's been 5 hours. Where the hell is she?" Morgan yells as they search the few spots the boy said the crew might be.

JJ and Emily even checked at home. Emily feels helpless while JJ is raging. You just have to do something for them to find you.

Currently your upper body was tied up and you were forced to walk the halls of your old high school.

"You remember this."

"Yea. Feeling really nostalgic."

"Everyday we were in this room. I always admired you. The skills you have and how attractive you are."

"Tyler...." He looks at you. "I'm not a threat to you. Can you please untie me?" He makes a face. "If anything I'm confused on why you wanted me."

"Because of all the skills you have. It's like breaking bad. You would be perfect to make drug but instead it's to get payback."

"How?" He cuts the restraints on your wrist and you just rub your wrist. "You need me to hack something or you need my chemistry skills?"

"A little of both. More of your computer science skills. No one on the team has those skills." You nod and keep walking with him. "Plus your shooting skills. You could've shot us in the head bit you didn't. Why?"

"I don't shoot to kill."

"The bullets of where you shot my two men was directly at the heart. You sure about that?" He stop you. Trapping you against some lockers. He's watching your lips.

"Tyler for the respect of my marriage I'll help you, but nothing can happen here." You point between you two. He steps back and motions for you to follow.

"What lucky man got you? Was it Kane? You friend-zoned him but he still was head over heels in love with you. Or Jordan. I forgot you are bisexual. She couldn't stop talking about you either."

"Neither one of them. I'm still great friends with them. I'll share another time. Let's get this mission done."

"Knew you would be on board."


24 hours and they heard nothing from you. No leads or anything. They got partial plates that were stolen from St. Louis.

They were interviewing people from possible earlier attacks. All they need is one string to pull that leads to you.

Currently you were in a lab. Messing with different combination. Trying to get the ones that make people pass out longer. No harm and no foul.

Besides that combining stuff that burns through metal. Tyler was spoiling you with positive affirmations and other stuff, but deep down you have to hear from JJ or Emily. You craved their affection and attention more than anything.

"Ty?" He looks at you. "Please let me talk to my wife."

"If she magically find you Y/n I can do some dark things. Don't try me." He hands you his phone.

"I won't. I swear." He takes what you were just working on and throws it on a safe. It start dissolving. "Fuck yea!"

Quickly you dial Hailee. She picks up within seconds.


"Hails it me. I need you to connect JJ to this call now."

"Okay. Okay." Within seconds you hear groaning.


"Y/n?" You want to cry.

"Yes." You sense Tyler looking at you. "I miss you. Like a lot. I keep thinking back to when we first met. I shared all of my high school stories with you and how explosive are love is. I love you more than life itself baby."

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