Hard Launch - Kate Martin

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Part 2 My Pretty Girl

You all had just beat West Virginia and you didn't have the greatest game. But in everyone's opinion your stats were still good.... Honestly they equal to any average player stats. And you were the most reliable player tonight when it came to needing someone that's clutch.

You kept the score separated in the end by 10 points. Finishing with 17 points, 7 turnovers, 7 assist, 5 rebounds and 1 block. You are so much better than this. You don't even understand how you played this badly.

So while you are cooking dinner for you and Kate you're thinking of all the things you could've done better. Going play by play in your head. Kate joins you in the kitchen fresh out of the shower. Sporting a sports bra and some grey sweats with her hair down.

She definitely looks daddy as fuck and she knows it. She knows how those make you feel especially if she's packing underneath.

"Hey my pretty girl... what are you cooking?"

"My shame and infamous baked chicken you've been begging me to make." Kate rolls her eyes and walks behind you hugging you. You throw the vegetables into the pan with the chicken.

"Only because I've been craving it. No one cooks like my baby. But babe you have nothing to be ashamed of......" You continue moving through the kitchen as she's attached to you. "You did great. It's not your best game ever but your stats are still consistent and good at that. I know you had a slow start but baby you were clutch as fuck at the end." Kate hugs you closer to her and kisses your cheek.

"It was terrible. Everyone had a stellar game but me."

"I don't like when people speak bad about my girlfriend. Including herself." Kate just wants to cheer you up. You've been nothing but consistent as a freshman for this team. You and Juju Watkins being the talk of the freshmen class.

You weren't even in Caitlin's shadow like other players are or were. Your skills, hard work and talent was very well known. You just had one average game.

Barely. In her opinion. You just had some stupid turnovers. A few that could've been prevented. You just had a very hard start.

"Baby honestly I wish I had stats half as good as yours tonight on any night. There is no reason to shame yourself or beat yourself up. Your game of basketball is compared to so many greats in both the WNBA and NBA. And one day you will be a great. Just this one game you needed a little pick me up."

"It's like I was playing for the other team. If it wasn't for everyone else we would've lost. Then you wouldn't be leaving here with a ring decorating your hand. One you definitely deserve more than anything. Well all the seniors at that. I just....."

"You didn't meet your own expectations is all baby. You are still an unworldly player. Most teams dread to play you and not Caitlin." She laughs. "And I'm just lucky to call you my girlfriend. Soon enough my wife."

"I can't wait for that day." Kate kisses all over the back of your neck.

"I can't either. Get to spend the rest of my life with you." Kate starts swaying her hips with yours. Rocking slowly side to side. "Alexa play Naked by Ella Mai."

You roll your eyes but grab the pan and slide it into the oven as Kate continues to have your hips sway with hers. "Alexa set timer for 35 minutes." Kate hugs you close to her body once again and softly sings the song as you two semi dance.

"Someone who never asks for love, but knows how to take it. Are you that someone who sees a wall and breaks it?" She sings and keeps dancing with you. You weren't fighting it or putting in much effort. Just really down on yourself.

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