Study Session - Laurel Castillo

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Being part of the Keating 6 was exhausting some times. Especially when it was exam time. Drama always happens.

"Y/n." You were typing your extra credit paper for your Criminal Justice class. You nod for your crush to continue. "Annalise said we can have the night off. So I was wondering would you like to study?"

"We get like a little to no studying done then get wrapped into something else as a group. I rather......."

"Come on. As a group. Then if we barely accomplish any studying we can go back to my place. Just me and you. Deal?"

"Fine." You sigh and look at the brunette.

"You can never tell me no." She kisses your cheek and runs off. "Don't be late to class babe." You wave her off as you continue typing.

"Laurel Castillo what am I going to do with you?" You whisper to yourself.

"I say you bone her already." Connor says as he sit coffee down in front of you with a bag of donuts. "I heard you quietly moan Laurel's name."

"I did not." You say as you hit him in the side. "Thank you for this though. It's needed."

"No problem babe." You roll your eyes at him. "So study group tonight?"

"Laurel already ask don't worry I'll be there. Or else you all would fail."

"Sit next to me for the exam?" Connor wonders as he takes your laptop. You smack his hands and pull it back. "I was just trying to read what serial killer you were writing about this week."

"No serial killer. Writing about Glen Ridge High." Connor looks at you to continue as Asher, Wes and Michaela walk up.

"Do you really wanna know?"

"I do. It's cool that you know all these criminals serial killer or whatever cases. Then you do law school shit too. I wish to be as big brained as you. It's sexy as fuck." He winks at you.

"Stop before you make her throw up." Michaela tells him. Asher laughs while Wes and Michaela sit down. "Anyways tell us about your new crime scene court case shit."

You settle on just telling them. Each of them interrupting to ask more and more on it. While telling them your phone goes off twice. One for a message from Laurel and another for class. 20 minutes to get to Annalise Keating's class.

"Guys it's time to go to class."

"Damn but I want to know how the story ends." Wes and Asher say at the same time.

"Maybe later." You pack up quickly and check Laurel message.

From LoCo 😈🤪:

Before you read anything Connor runs into you. Almost making you drop it. Ugh what ever you'll check it later.

While walking Connor and Michaela whisper and look at you periodically. Asher comes up and throws his arm over your shoulder.

"Okay fuck, marry, kill. Any of the Emma's. Watson, Roberts, and Stone." Wes rolls his eyes and speed walks ahead. You continue the dumb conversation with Asher.

"Okay. Who of the squad would you put in your top 3?"

"Just one person."


"Only one." Asher starts harassing you to tell him. You roll your eyes and groan. Is this what happens when you try to do the better good for people? You have to suffer the long hours of......

You see Laurel and instantly smile. Okay maybe it's more than a crush. Once in class instead of sitting next to Laurel you are stuck between Connor and Michaela. This is going to be a long class. You can read the plan they are making a mile away.

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