Convince Me - Jennifer Jareau

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"I just want us to have a chill night. So dinner on the patio?" She nods and kisses you. You smile as you fumble with the box in your hoodie pocket.

"We should order takeout."

"I was thinking I could make dinner really quick."

"Famous carbonara?" It's her favorite.

"Whatever you want baby." You pull her close and kiss her once again. "One hour." She nods.

"I'm going to go lay in bed for the time being." You nod again. Then kiss her one more time. "I love you baby."

"I love you too." You wink at her as she walks away.

After getting everything done and setting it. You step back and admire the work.

"Jen babe. Meet me out back." Both of you sit out back enjoying dinner. Drinking wine. You always wondered how you could spend so much time with someone and still never get tired of them. Still always have so much to talk about.

After a bit you both are cuddled up in the hammock just watching the sky.

"If we weren't in the FBI what would you do instead?" JJ asks.

"I uhmmm....... I would probably still be a first responder. It some thing about helping someone. In this job and any other first responder job you get to help a wide range. I love that." JJ watches you closely as you continue explaining. She thought you would do something else. You have so many talents.

"I always thought you might just coach or you could play some sport professionally. I loved watching you play basketball in high school and college." She smiles at the memory.

"Awhhh really?"

"Yes. My favorite was wearing your football jersey when you became the kicker for the team. Or when we played soccer together. Ughhh you were like my only competition. I always wanted to one up you only to find out you loved assisting me."

"We played for the same team. Although when we scrimmaged you hated me."

"Yea always rain-bowing the ball over our heads and you had me beat in speed always. Have like every trick in your bag." You laugh.

"Gotta know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Plus you know I've always wanted to be like Neymar, or Messi. Any of the goats really."

"Should've know you were profiling me even then." You both laugh.

"Anyways what job would you take?"

"Well I was hoping you would say coaching so we could coach together." You shake your head. "I'm the head coach though."

"Uhmmm I bet." She hits you and laughs.

"Thank you baby." You look to her. "A night to ourselves. It's refreshing whenever you do cute little things like this for us. I truly appreciate it." She kisses you and you both get lost a little. She pulls you closer.

Her hands traveling to grab your ass. It's her favorite thing to do. You break the kiss and start kissing her neck. You lock eyes with her.

"I love you." She starts out of the hammock leading you inside.

"I love you."

"No like I love you with every fiber in me Jennifer." JJ trying to get you to the bedroom. "I've known you ever since the 4th grade. And I always thought ending up with you was a dream. Until one day we both took the risk and started dating. And I love hearing you tell me that I was your first crush. When you were mine. I know we aren't each others first loves kinda but you mean the world to me. Everything you have given me. Two amazing boys that love me just as much I love them." JJ smiles at you.

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