Finish Your Game - Scarlett Johannson

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"Y/n.... What are you...."

"Yea and your team is dogshit. Okay. Okay." Scarlett enters the room to see you playing the game and trash talking. "How about you get a kill."

"Babe." You look to your girlfriend after just sniped someone across the map. "You plan to be playing long?" You motion her over and kiss her.

"Hey. Hey hey. Aren't you dead? Oh yea that's what I thought bitch." She laughs that you are trash talking the other team. You cut your mic. "It's a tournament. I thought you wouldn't be home since you have a press thing schedule for today."

"It got moved so I have time to spend with my girlfriend." You pull her into your hold and kiss her again as Victory appears on the screen.

"What time is it now?"

"It'll be 5 in a few. Your team is good you can't take a small break?" Right when she asks your team ranking pops up on the screen. 17th you smack your teeth.

"So about that we've been at this ranking for like the past hour. I'm sick of seeing it. So I'm going to message my bestie and see if he can play for a bit. Until then I'm occupied babe." You pull up your friends gamer tag and send him a quick message. Then send him a quick text.

"I don't mind watching you play for a bit." She smiles and settles behind you placing her head on your shoulder. Wrapping her arms and legs around you. You turn your head to kiss her again.

"Dev if you don't kill that motherfucker!" You yell into the mic. The guy was camping in a corner of the map and you missed him just barely as he tomahawked you.

The next match there was a bunch of racial and ignorant slurs being dropped and you just muted it. Your whole team playing on silent lighting the team up. Your team going 6-0 with pure ease.

"Yea I'm planting the bomb fuck off." This was the 5th victory you all had within the hour. "How about you don't sit at the bottom of the board hoe." You trash talk your teammate as you check your phone. Your best friend still hadn't answered. Scarlett was getting a bit handzy.

"Ohhhh look at that motherfuckers 8th place. Let's get it." You sit waiting for the game to load up. "Scar babe...." You start.

"Your busy so I'm occupying myself. Just focus." You all had entered another match and you were focused on that. Until Scarlett started rubbing you through your underwear. You cut your mic and let out a moan.

"Baby please wait...." You breath out.

"You can keep playing. Let's see how good you really are." She challenges. You focus as best as you can. Trying not to think about the teasing. "Your getting so wet baby." You whimper and sink into Scarlett's hold.

You wanted to quit playing and just let her do what she wanted. Your team was tied with the other 2-2.

"Y/n step the fuck up come on." Some of your team yells at you through the headset.

"Hey shut the fuck up. I carry this damn team. Besides Dev." You hear Scarlett laugh as you refocus on the game again. You pay Scarlett no attention as you charge to the other side of the map. You kill 3 of them easily with a grenade and tomahawk another.

"Can't talk shit now can y'all." You plant the bomb as your team kill another one. The last person throws smoke grenades in the room that you are in and you still kill him.

"Ohhhh they better play that shit back. I see you Y/n." You cheer a bit but then falter once you feel Scarlett rubbing your clit without your underwear being in the way.

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