Soft Things - Elle Greenaway

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"Hey Jack." You greet the little boy that is like your brother at this point. While Hotch is getting ready.

"You and Dad leaving for a case again?" He asks as he joins you on the couch. Both of you laying upside down.

"No. We have this big conference meeting. Something about some rules that can not be violated. Kind of a refresher course. Anyways I can pick you up today? Take you and your friends to practice?"

He hits you to see if your kidding. You smile at him and hold out your hand. Doing your sibling handshake.

"No case." You both say as a good luck reminder. It sucked when his dad was called away, but worse when he had to worry about the both of you.

"Ohhh you can help coach out today. That woman has no clue what is going on."

"No. She just living in her glory days Jack." Aaron broadcasts. You and your brother flip off the couch and stand up right. You both grab your head. "Both of you drink your juice. Then let's go."

You both listen and race to see who finishes there juice first. Jack slams his cup on the table and cheers. You roll your eyes and finish off your cup. Grabbing the car keys you both race to the car.

"You cheated." Jack yells as you both breath heavily standing outside the car. You unlock it and both of you get in.

"I did no such thing. We took two different stairwells. Your just slow." You stick your tongue out at him. Your dad gets in the car and you pull off to drop Jack at school.

As you both sing to the radio Hotch laughs in the backseat. He loved that you got along well with Jack. He needed guidance. It might not be as his mother, but it was beneficial. Too both of you.

You didn't have the greatest relationship with your parents.

"Y/n how's Elle?"

"She's good. Maybe I'll bring her to your soccer practice?"

"Please." You look to him wondering why he wants her there. "I like the way she makes you smile." You smile at just that. "Like right now."

"Okay Butthead."

"No your Butthead. I am Beavis." He counters.

"You two watched that movie again?" Your father booms from the back. Just as you pull up to Jack's school.

"Have fun with that speech. Byeeee." He jumps out of the car and runs into school. You glare at him as he ran inside. You look back to Hotch with the sweetest smile.

"Save it." He gets out to get in the front seat. You drive to headquarters. "You think you and Elle can take him this weekend?"

"You have a date we don't know about?"

"The less you know the better Y/n."

"Dad." You look to him giving him the chance to spill. "Alright you know I'll know by the time we get to the BAU don't you?"

"Yes it's a date. She's nice and she likes you and Jack already." You smile at that. "Do not have Garcia track my phone. Also no crashing my date."

"Okay deal, but....."

"No names."

"Then I can't promise anything." You start.

"Ughhh her name is Iliza." You side eye him. "Iliza Zales."

"Thanks. I'm having Pen run a background check on her." He groans and runs his eyes while you laugh. "Safety first dad."

"Whatever. How is Greenaway?"

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