That Part - Blake Lively

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Inspired by That Part - Lauren Spencer Smith

You are in your studio humming away while you have the twins sitting on the couch. They are in their own world with noise cancelling headphones on.

Your oldest is doing his homework with headphones in no doubt talking to his best friend.

The other two are out at practice.

"I hate the middle, let's skip to the part
When you kiss me
Surrounded by friends and our family
Know we're too young to get married
We knew from the start
I'm sick of waiting
So can we just skip to that part?"

You sing. You've had this song in the vault for ages. You practically finished it with no beat or anything. All lyrics. Like an idiot. Now you are trying to recreate the melody you once had.

While you are working your kids are briefly listening. Only reason they come to the home studio is because they love hearing the new music you make.

Especially your oldest.

Your head is full of memories of you and your gorgeous wife. You keep strumming the guitar once you find something you like. Humming the lyrics over and over.

"Maybe the chorus should be a bit more upbeat. Keep the intro calm. Then keep it upbeat but......" you talk to yourself out loud.

Cameron's phone goes off. You are in your zone and he notices it's his mom calling.

"Hi mom." He flips the camera to show you. "Calling for momma?"

"Yes sweetheart I've call her phone like 30 times already. Then I realized....." She shows your phone upstairs.

"It never fails." He sighs as he walks to you and hit you in the head. "Your wife is requesting to speak to with you. You forgetful fool."

"Rude." You rub your head but smile at your wife with the brightest smile. "Hello my love."

"You two have been married for years when does the cupcake phase end." Cameron groans.

"It's the honeymoon phase and never." He rolls his eyes. "You want me to just come up?"

"Please. It'll be quick. Plus I want to show you something."

"Okay. Give me 3 minutes." You blow kisses then hand Cameron his phone. "Thank you for informing me my wife called." He rolls his eyes but smiles once you kiss his head and run out the room. Never fails.

He hopes to find love like you two.

You run up the stairs taking two or three at a time. Rounding the corner to the bedroom in record time.

"You said 3 minutes. That was 2 minute and 19 seconds. You're late." She shows you the timer and you laugh as you walk to her slightly tired. "Kisses."

You kiss her. No hesitation or second thought.

"What were you working on?"

"Music. As always. It's an old song I found. Thought I could touch it up." You two quickly get lost in conversation. Until your phone vibrates.

"Ohhh yea that's why I called you up here." She hands you your phone. "Took me a bit but why do you never have your phone in the studio?"

"Distraction free zone."

"Ohhhh so I'm a distraction?"


"I am your wife. I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna get." You look her straight in the eyes. Both of you smirking. Then burst out laughing.

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