Something New - Marina

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* Warning Slight Smut*

"How did you three get together?" Andy ask as you all settle on the deck of Dean's houseboat. You in Carina lap and your legs propped in Maya lap.

"I started dating this one back in the fire academy." You say as you point to Maya.

"No way. No! No. That doesn't make sense. I was in the fire academy too. You weren't there."

"But I was."


"Andy she's pulling your leg. She was the class after us." Maya interjects before Andy overanalyzes it. You smile.

"You are a tricky one." Andy says as she sits back and sips her beer.

"I ran into Maya while you all were in the fire academy. Remember EMT training?" They nod. "You all met me then. Well beside Travis and Ben. Or Vic."

"You were the kid." Dean yells. Everyone one else that was there starts to awhhh in realization.

"So glad you guys remember me." Maya rubs your leg. "Anyways I talked to her while being standby for any injuries. We hit it off pretty well. After that day we kept in contact."

"We would hang out on weekends or in my free time. She even helped me study from time to time." Ohhh the study sessions were fun.

"Ohhh so she wasn't a hard ass with you?" Jack asks.

"I never witnessed her be so stubborn or a hard ass until some stuff happened. But back to the story. You all graduated basically and became probies. Maya and I started hooking up. In that time period I decided to join the fire academy. Half way through someone dropped the L word on me."

"There is no way in hell she dropped it first." Vic says.

"Maya said she loves you first?" Travis asks.

"Why is it so hard to believe I said it first?"

"You are made of stone." Andy laughs after poking Maya. "Continue Y/n."

"Instead of me saying it back.... I told her she has to take me out. The first date she planned happened to be on my surprise test day. So I missed it. Then a 5 alarm fire came in on the second one. The 3rd we were out on until we had to aid someone. Why didn't we go on the fourth?"

"My mom."

"Ohhh yea. Her mom interrupted the fourth chance. So by the fifth one we just decide coffee. Which Andy and Vic interrupted."

"Ohhh my God I vividly remember this." Vic says.

"You guys had no luck."

"We really didn't. Anyways I had planned a surprise date instead. So when she got out from the academy I was waiting outside. Scooped her up for the night and took her back to mine. We had a beautiful candlelit dinner in the backyard of my parents house."


"A few weeks before I graduated she asked me to be her girlfriend. I said yes."

"Okay that answers how you two got together. So how did the trio happen?" Ben asks.

"I was getting there Dad." He rolls his eyes. "Maya and I got into an argument about me pushing for so much responsibility in a short amount of time."

"I'm confused. How did you move up the ranks so fast?" Jack ask and others nod in agreement wanting to know.

"I graduated at the top of my class with great scores all around. No probation period for me. I tried for lieutenant and got it. Then before my house got dismantled with that weird fire chief we had and all his corruption. The new fire chief talked to me. Told me that he would be here to help me, but that I am the new chief of 23."

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