30 Days - Hailee Steinfeld

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Warning Mentions of Sex

"You are going to talk to me. And it's going to be right now!" Hailee says as she barges into your bedroom. You groan and cover your head with a pillow. "Get up. Or move over."

You don't move and Hailee just climbs on the bed and straddles you. Like there is more room on the bed.

"Y/n." You take your hand from under the cover and gesture for her to continue. "Who did you sleep with? And why am I just finding out now? Plus that's not even like you why did you do it?" You faintly hear the hurt in her voice.

"Why do you care?" You muffle into the pillows and blankets.

"I don't." She feigns. "I'm just upset that I'm the last to know and you won't tell me now. Damnit Y/n I thought we had no secrets."

"We don't." You say and decide to turn over. Hailee lifts and let's you do so then settles back. You get a little distracted by the position.

"Uhm we do. You hid this from....."

"I lied. Okay?" You settle to tell her. "I lied to Jax. I knew he would tell you, because he can't keep his mouth shut. It was a test is all."

"A test? Y/n you have been MIA for 2 weeks. Hiding from me, lying to me that your busy when really you are here and just treating me different. What did I do?"


"No I clearly did something." She gets off of you paces your bedroom floor. "Is it because...." You zone out and look around for your shirt. Fuck it's across the room. Maybe this can be test number two?

You lift from the bed and walk across holding the sheet to your body. Hailee stops talking and watches you. As you shrug on the shirt she can't help but watch. 'You are beautiful.'

"What?" You snap around to face her.

"No don't flip this on me. Why have you been avoiding me?"

"Because this could never work. Because if one thing goes wrong I lose you forever Hails. I can't lose you forever, so it's easier to suffer because pain is temporary."

"This could work and you know it. So what are you so afraid of?"

"Losing you. Do I need to tattoo it on you?"

"Give me one chance." The actress steps to you and grabs your hands. You avoid eye contact with her. "Me picking you wasn't random."

You knew exactly what she was talking about. The fucking party is what started this. Sorta.

Party A Month Ago

Currently you and the brunette were locked in a bedroom. 7 minutes of heaven. You kind of hated your friends for voting you in between the two names pulled from the hat.

"You know our time doesn't start until you touch me, right?" You blow out air to calm your nerves. Then finish off what's in your cup. This crush you had comes and goes, but as of lately it's been sticking. "Babe come here." Hailee reaches out to you and pulls you to her.

Managing to trip you ending up nose to nose with her. It's like time slowed because you couldn't get yourself to move. While your best friend had laced her hands into your hair and pulled you in. Right before your lips connected she asked for permission.

"Yes." What? Did drunk you just agree? Ohh no. She connects your lips and you instantly respond back. Yet you both wasted no time to deepen it, but the battle for dominance was real. Hailee took advance and squeezes your ass.

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