Love You In My Mind - Mila Kunis

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Mila POV

Time literally stopped the second I saw Whitney get down on one knee in front of Y/n. Y/n froze. 4 years of them being together.

My heart is literally broken right now.

"Y/n will you marry me?" Whitney says. Y/n looks from Whitney to me. Then at the ring in the box.

"I uhhhh......" She looks at all the cameras. "Yes." Whitney flies up and kisses you. Next the ring is placed on your finger. Mila could tell from a mile away you were forcing and faking the smile on your face.

You hug your now fiancé. She's beaming. The world doesn't feel real right now.

---- Flashback----

You and Mila are laid out in the back of your dad's truck. Cuddled together looking up at the sky.

"Do you think it will be us forever?" Mila asks.

"What do you mean?" You sit up and looks at her. "Us against the world? Because if so then I don't see it any other way. You will always and forever be my partner in crime."

"Batman and Robin?" You roll your eyes.

"No. More Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. We are equal. No one is more superior than the other."

"Even though you have some of the top schools in the world recruiting you."

"We already talked about this. I'm going where you go. We stick together." You then look at her and furrow your eyebrows. "You got in didn't you?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." She plays off. You tackle her in a hug.

"I knew it. New York City here we come." You say as you dance on top of Mila. She laughs. That was one of the many moments she realized she's in love with you.


"Y/n." You were laying on Mila's bed studying.


"Babe what do you want to eat?"

"This is your way of asking me to cook. Okay give me like 5 minutes." She kisses your cheek. Your phone rings and Mila sighs. "Hey Whit..... I'll be back later tonight." You continue talking to the girl. The one that has you enchanted.

Mila thought she would be a simple hook up, but she turned into more.

"Whitney please do not start right now." She wishes she could hear what Whitney is saying. Every chance that you get you come see Mila. Especially since you were planning a grand gift for her birthday.

To make her not suspicious you were around her. Or else she would go snooping. "Yea whatever Whitney. Bye."

You walk out of the room after slamming your laptop. Throwing your phone somewhere. You didn't want to be bothered right now.

"You okay?"

"I'm craving ice cream. Can we go get some?"

"Yea." Mila grabs her keys and you a hoodie. "Here." You put it on and you two leave out. The walk was quiet. Forever she will wish to know what goes on in that brain of yours.

"She accused me of cheating." Well that explains why you are pissed off. You continue to rant on how she thinks you are cheating but not with Mila. Your ex fling on campus.

You two keep talking about it and it comes down to this.

"You need space?"

"No I need her to trust me."

"Bubbs think about this. All week where have you been?" You look at Mila. "When you are stressed where do you go?"

"You." You grumble.

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