Already Over - Sabrina Carpenter

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Pt. 2 text i never sent

Trans! Male Reader

"Check it up."

"I got y/n." Currently you are out playing basketball with your squad. You all had been at this for a few hours now.

"After this round we taking a damn lunch break. You motherfuckers ain't hungry?" You laugh at Jayden as he checks the ball to you.

To end the game you fake a three and oop it to Dalton for a nice finish.

"Ohhh y'all was nasty with it. I can't even be mad." You laugh as you check your phone.

Sabby 🦋: Movie night??

You smile at your phone. Quickly responding with a thumbs up and a clock emoji. Instantly she responds with whenever.

Between the two of you it's been secret movie nights a lot lately. Always ending the same way. "We can't keep doing this." Only to end up kissing each other again. Now back at square one.

The bad thing is it's an addictive fucking cycle you want to break it, but both of you have owned why you can't. Well not openly. You know you're in love with her. And vice versa.

Yeah you two admitted it when you broke up but since then you two haven't said a word. Unspoken but mutual feeling.

"Hey guys one more game then I gotta dip." They all roll their eyes but get up to start up again.

"Man not even joining us for lunch. Who you going to see?"

"My sister asked me to babysit."

"Damn you have fun with them wild ones. She got like 5 kids now?"

"It's 3." You laugh.

"It's like they just keep multiplying." You roll your eyes and get back on the court.

3 games later you all finally leave. You text Sabrina and install you get a FaceTime call.

"Hey Im driving so I can't look."

"That's okay I just wanted to see your handsome face and ask you how basketball was."

"Good as always. Forgot we were only supposed to play one more game not 20. So what movie are we watching tonight?"

"Uhhmmm I thought we could decide when you get here." You could hear in her voice that it was semi true. Really she just wants you over in her bed. Which you don't mind.

"Okay. Give me an hour and I'll head your direction."

"Or we can shower together?" You smile at that but stop yourself. You shouldn't even if you want too.

"I'll bring dinner Bri."

"Well hurry handsome." She ends the call and you unconsciously start speeding home to shower sooner.

The second you step foot into Sabrina's place she is already kissing you. One of your hands goes to her waist and the other holds the food out of the way. Both of her hands are on your face.

"Fuck I thought you would never get here." You pat her thighs and lift her up. Carrying her thought her condo. You set the food on the counter.

"You hungry baby?" The way she's looking at you answers the question. Ditching the food you head for her bedroom.

** —————————**

Sabrina is in the kitchen getting when you start playing the piano. You starts singing a song you've been working on. You might not be a singer but you definitely write well.

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