Special - Harlivy

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You were making your usually rounds. Doing count. Right before breakfast. You had gotten in early to see your two favorites.

"Good morning ladies." You greet them. Both of them snap up happy to hear your voice. You had been gone for a week to handle some things.

"You don't understand how boring this place is without you. We've missed you." Ivy says. Harley nodding in agreement.

"Well good thing I have a few surprises for you two." You smile at them brightly. "I got you your favorite breakfast sandwich Harls. One for each of us actually." You use your powers to open a portal to Sal's place. You thank him and close the portal.

Both of them amazed. When you first met them your powers were a little haywire so you wore a necklace to keep them at bay.

"Holy shit that was cool." Harley whisper yells. Then she does grabby hands for the sandwich. You gladly hand it over. "You are a gift from the heavens or hell. Whichever just know I am grateful." You laugh and roll your eyes at the girl.

"Thanks babe." Ivy says and sits on the bed in her cell. "Anymore cool tricks you learn while you were gone?" You nod. All three of you take a bite of the breakfast sandwich and moan. It was perfect. "Show us?"

"After breakfast babes I have to finish count..... ohh by the way here you go." You pull a item from your shirt. Harley and Ivy both confused because they don't see anything. Then right in front of them two roses start to appear. "One for each of you."

In Ivy's mind you reminded her of Eden.

"Hopefully one day I can take you too Eden. The one you created. I bet it's as beautiful as it's creator." Ivy mouth drops open. Did you just read her mind?

You hand them over and leave with your breakfast sandwich.

"I swear she just keeps getting hotter. Don't ya agree Ive?"

"Yea. Just uhmm maybe we should dial it back a bit."

"Ohhh please I know you want to cry right now. She gave you a flower. A fucking plant. Against protocol."

"Shut up and eat your sandwich." She settled out of view with the flower. It was dangerous for you to do this and you didn't care. She could use this to escape but you trusted her.

"Hey Y/n your back...." You wave off the other inmates. They all like to flirt with you and tell you how pretty or gorgeous you are. You only wanted two peoples eyes on you.

Plus you had a grand plan. Especially since you learned a cool trick.

"Y/ln." You wave at your Sergeant and bite your breakfast sandwich. Man do you love Harley's recommendation. "I need you for checks today. We are going through them all. No contraband."

You salute him and keep walking. Covering the rest of the cells. "Around noon be in gear." You nod and keep walking and you sense him watching your ass.

Once you finish your rounds you head back to your two girls. "Warning my loves room checks today." Ivy nods and goes to hand you the flower. "No no. Don't worry I got it covered. Consider it hidden in plain sight."

"Ugh I love this woman. When can I kiss you?" Harley says and you laugh. "I'm serious. I've made a vision board and it's......" She pulls it out. In the middle in bold it says "The Eat. Bang! Kill Tour."

You gesture Harley over in a come here motion.

"I think I just got wet from that alone. If you touch me I might just orgasm." Ivy shakes her head at her girlfriend.

They were in separate cells but near each other. They could've been broken out but Harley likes you enough that she's sacrificing her freedom. She likes looking at your face more.

"Ohhh babe this adorable. Is this me you and Ivy?" She nods. It was you three on an island. "Are we alone or is the squad with us?"

"If you couldn't tell Ivy is naked and you are restraining us so you can have your way with us." She points out. "You can do that with your power can't you?"

"I can but so can Ivy." You see Ivy visibly shiver and close her legs. Just the thought of dominating you or being dominated by you is breathtaking. "I see you Ivy maybe. In due time my loves. For now you can sit with this in your head."

You use your powers to put you fucking them in their heads as a visual. Harley moans quietly while Ivy whispers "fuck me."

Both of them in a dream like state as you walk away. You go by King Shark and talk with him for awhile. The rest of the day is boring honestly. Until night time.

"Pamela." Ivy looks up at you as you whisper yell over to her. "Don't question just walk through." She looks at you weird and keeps laying there. You roll your eyes and drag her through the portal. She yells and curses you but you silence it.

"Harls." She looks at you. Then flies over.

"I thought you were done for the day babe."

"I couldn't leave without my favorite people. So come on." You reach your hand out and then next you guys are with Ivy. The island that Harley had in her vision board.

"Ohhh you could get fired take us back." Harley says. You shake your head no then show her what's currently in the cell. She sees it. "Something new?"

"Yea. So no more Arkham. Or as Bane says. The criminally insane." You all three laugh. Ivy is the first one to walk up to you.

"Thank you baby." She wraps her arms around your waist and plants one on you. Without much thought you kiss her back.

"Finally some well deserved alone time." Harley comes over and kisses you next. Them both realizing you been planning this for awhile.

"So let start this Eat. Bang! Kill Tour." Harley jumps and claps her hands. Ivy looks at you two with a very seductive looks as veins come to grab you two.

"After a whole lot of banging."

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