The Truth - Camren

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"I'm in love with my best friend what's going to be normal about us now?" Lauren yells. She falls to her knees and more tears flood from her eyes.

Alexa runs over to her and hugs her.

"Lo I've never seen you like this. Does she mean that much?"

"Alexa I'm fucking in love with my best friend Karla Camila Cabello." Lauren cried more.

Camila was outside Lauren's bedroom door when she heard that. She feels guilt, because she's been pushing Lauren away, and that's why she at Lauren bedroom door.

That's not the only reason, but also because Camila wanted to tell Lauren her feeling. The feelings she had since day one of The X Factor when she told Lauren she like her shirt.

Camila came to say she loves Lauren and that she head over heels for her. But now she feels like she should back out. Yet next thing she knows she inside Lauren room right in front of those dark watery green eyes, that she had grown to love.

"Camila what are you doing here?" Lauren asks.

"I gotta go!" Camila yells quickly.

Then she tries to run until Lauren grabs and pulls her back.

"Camz how long have you been outside that door?" Lauren asked as she wiped her eyes. Camila stopped and slowly turned around.

"Long enough to tell you something in private." Camila says as she looks at Alexa.

"I'll see you tomorrow Laur." Alexa says as she hugs Lauren as fast as possible running out. Lauren looked back to Camila tears slowly still falling.

"Camz please tell me why your here at this time?" Lauren pleads.

"I came to talk about why we are so distant, and something else personal." Camila says as she plays with her fingers not looking at Lauren.

"Ok you want to talk about why we are so distant at 11 almost 12?" Lauren says as she places her hand under Camila chin lifting her head to view her beautiful brownie eyes that's she truly loves.

"Yes so Lo why are you so distant with me?"

"I'm trying to find myself, and I thought you had a crush on Mahone." Lauren mumbles the last part.

"What was that last part?" Camila asks to make Lauren admit she was jealous of Austin.

"I thought you liked Mahone ok. I'm not fond about sharing my Camzie." Lauren says loud enough for Camila to hear. Turning away from Camila.

Camila gave a quick smirk then shook her head in a 'no' motion. Lauren turns back towards the younger girl.

"Is that it Lolo?" Camila asks.

"Yes" Lauren says a little to quickly.

"Your lying to my face right now." Camila replies.

"No I'm not Camila."

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui you better believe if you don't tell me the truth we will never talk again." Lauren doesn't say anything, because she's having a battle to tell her, it not.

"1" Camila says while taking a step towards the door. Lauren thinking 'she's bluffing she won't do this to you.'

"2" 'Damn it Karla' Lauren thinks.

"3 Jauregui now I'm leaving." Camila says as she opens the door and starts walking. Yet she's walking slowly.

"Camila wait please!" Lauren begs.

"No I'm going home we are no longer talking."

"Camila I'm caught up with my emotions." Lauren cries out to Camila. Camila paused in the hallway. She walks back slowly.

"What else? And with who? Actually who are the emotions for Laur?" Camila asks.

"One of the girls"

"Which one?"

"They have a "M" and "I" in there name" Lauren said as se looks down.

"Lauren just answer the damn question. Who is it?"

"Camila I want to tell you but I can't"

"Lauren just fu-"

"I'm in love with you!" Lauren floods out.

"Your what?" Camila said in some shock.

"I'm in love with you Karla Camila Cabello"


"No listen I understand if you wanna leave. And never talk again. Only because you like Mahone-."

"But I love you Lauren" Camila blurted out.

"What?" Lauren said fully shocked of what just came out of Camila mouth.

"Wait, but you went on a date with him."

"Yea and I left, because all I could do was think of you endlessly. Your eyes were just there in my head. And when you didn't text back I got upset." Camila told her.

"Camz please tell me I'm not dreaming right now?"

"Does this happen in your dreams?" Camila said as she pulled Lauren in for a breath-taking first kiss. Lauren was shocked, but instantly started kissing back.

In Camila mind Lauren lips were amazing. So soft and moving in sync. She was shocked how gentle Lauren was kissing her.

Camila thought that Lauren's lips tastes like coconuts and bananas how ironic.

Lauren was loving the idea of having Camila, her Camz lips on hers. She was happy. Nothing compared to the feeling she got from kissing Camila.

Lauren though that Camila lips tasted like Vanilla and Strawberries. Camila slowly brought her arms ups to wrap them around Lauren's neck.

Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila midsection pulling her as close as possible. They both could feel the passion, need, want, and emotion put into the kiss.

Camila deepen the kiss thinking 'Way better then Austin's date.'

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