Little Widow - Natasha Romanoff

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"Shit. Shit. Shit!" You've been whisper yelling this to yourself all morning. Running around like a maniac with your head cut off.

You were late for your first day kind of. It's a new position. You are finally getting to work with Tony Stark and other Avengers. Kinda.

This isn't important right now. You hastily rush around as your son stands by the door with his book bag and your car keys.

"My wallet. I.... It has my key card...... Where...."

"Mom." You turn towards your son as he stands with it. You sigh in relief as he holds it up. "Did you forget you laid everything out last night?"

"You are smart for a 4 year old. Yes I remember. Now thank you. Did you grab....." He holds up your water bottle. "Thank you Nyx now let's go." He races you down the hall to the elevator. You smile.

Today is still a good day.

You rush to work even though your son can't go to school today. You got a call from another parent saying it was a incident at the school. So you shouldn't have him go.

Now he's going to work with you and you have to explain that to your boss.

You get to the entrance and stopped while you have headphones on Nyx.

"Ma'am does he have a pass?"

"I..... Where can I get one for him?" They start giving you this long explanation and the process. They are kidding right? He's a kid. Bruce sees you and races over.

"What's going on? Let her through." You grab Nyx's hand. "Really you stopped her because of her kid? Do better." You pick Nyx up. "I had issues with a few of them a week ago. It's........."

Bruce continues explaining while Nyx makes faces at the security behind your back. This catches an Avengers attention. Causing them to laugh.

Finally you are in the lab working. Tony didn't care that you were late. Especially once he saw Nyx. He completely understood.

You are working on Tony's upgrades for his suit. When Bucky walks in carrying his arm. Nyx mouth drops open.

"Hi kid. Hi slightly older kid." Bucky greets you. He places his arm on the table. "It crapped out on me again." You laugh.

"Hi Mr. Barnes. I'll see what I can do. You mind staying so I can....."

"No I don't mind but give like 20 or so. I was in the middle of eating. A hungry Bucky doesn't make a good patient."

"Noted." He leaves and Nyx runs over to you.

"Mommy why did he leave an arm on the table?"

"He needs me to fix it buddy. Do you need anything?" You ask as you slide off your stool and get to his level.

"Can I help?"

"First we have to get you some safety gear little one."


For a few weeks now Nyx has just been coming to work with you. You withdrew him from the terrible school you had him in. It was the only thing you could afford at the time. Only because working at S.H.I.E.L.D. was very time consuming.

So now you have him doing online schooling and at work with you. It saves money plus he's only 4.

You are working on Natasha's Widow Bites. Nyx was off somewhere with Tony. You didn't mind. It gives you time to upgrade her bites to do a bit more. Maybe make them more tight, but flexible.


Natasha is walking through the quarters when she notices a young boy in the halls. He's sitting and looking out the large windows with a notebook.

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