The Hogwarts Express

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Harry and Brooklyn continued to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the next few weeks of August, wondering and waiting for September 1st.

They poured over Harry's new school items, and at one point, Brooklyn got too curious and wanted to try out Harry's wand. He accidentally shot out a blast of magic while waving it playfully around, nearly breaking an old mirror.

Tom had heard the commotion and came up to tell them no underage magic allowed in the guest rooms. They both apologized and put Harry's wand away so it didn't cause any more damage.

Brooklyn had been pretty grateful to Tom whenever a new customer saw him, he would tell the person that he wouldn't hurt them.

But deep down, he wondered if the humans of this time zone would really accept him, just like in Manhattan.

Brooklyn had eventually gotten around to telling Harry the story of how they first encountered Puck, the one who stole his transformation magic. Harry just couldn't believe that all those fairy tales and Shakespearean folk tales were real.

"Demona had found Titania's mirror at a museum and she tried to force Puck to get rid of all the humans, but he misheard her, and ended up turning the humans in Manhattan into gargoyles, including Elisa."

Harry was open mouthed. Now he wondered what he would look like as a gargoyle.

Brooklyn continued. "And shortly after, Puck then turned us into humans."

Harry ended up laughing at those words. Brooklyn narrowed. "What?"

"It's-it's just hard to imagine you guys as humans!"

"Hey, being a human was no picnic! I couldn't glide or fight as well." Harry gave him a look. "Uh, no offense or anything."

But Harry had another question. "If he turned you into a human before, why didn't he use that spell when he transported you here?"

Brooklyn shrugged. "Guess he wanted to try out a new spell or something and wanted to know how long we could last without transforming into stone or human. And, speaking of which, he also had Demona turn to human during the day instead of stone, which she was none too pleased about."

Harry then smiled, wondering what Demona's reaction was like when she saw herself as a human.

He also eventually named his new snowy owl, Hedwig, who ended up taking a liking to Brooklyn by sitting on his arm and nipping his fingers affectionately. Overall, the new living situation turned out well for the two friends.

September 1st came at last. Brooklyn helped Harry pack his trunk and carry it downstairs. It was quite early, so there was hardly anybody in the pub, making it easy for them (with the assistance of Tom). Hagrid greeted them at the door.

As they exited the bar, Tom looked up at Brooklyn.

"I hope to see you here again soon, friend. The room's always open," he said, smiling. Brooklyn nodded to the old bartender; grateful he was able to meet another human who gave him the benefit of a doubt.

A while later, Hagrid was able to bring them to the train station, King's Cross. They got to the entrance and stopped.

"This is where I leave yeh two. I will see yeh at Hogwarts. Here's yer ticket. And yeh stick with him, Brooklyn," he said. Brooklyn, who nodded determinedly. "Train leaves at 11:00."

The friends then glanced down at their ticket. Brooklyn scratched his head in confusion at what it said:

Platform 9 Quarters

Huh? Brooklyn thought, bewildered. Where was this platform? Harry apparently was as confused as him.

"Hagrid, there must be a mistake, this is Platform nine and three quarters. There's no such thing, is the—?"

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