Valentine's Day and Revenge of the Diary

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Brooklyn was able to join his friends on Valentine's Day after a month since he got rid of that diary, feeling relieved that there had been no attacks or blackouts since then.

But with hearing the story of Hagrid being the one getting accused and expelled, he hoped that he could clear Hagrid's name before any more attacks happened.

But when they stepped into the Great Hall, he thought he'd walked through the wrong doors. For everything was covered in lucid pink, and heart confetti fell from the ceiling.

What the heck? Brooklyn thought in disgust, sitting down next to his friends where Ron had the same look on his face and Hermione was overcome with giggles, pointing to the high table.

Brooklyn's mouth fell open as he saw Lockhart, dressed in pink robes, while Snape looked like he had swallowed a large dose of Skele-grow, and Flitwick looking ready to cry.

Lockhart then made a 'grand announcement' about the holiday and introduced strange card carrying Cupids that looked like dwarfs.

They roamed the school, delivering valentines. Brooklyn was cornered by one once and managed to escape before he could say the valentine. Though he wondered who had gone through all that trouble.

He caught up with Harry going to his next class, until a surly, deep voice spoke.

"Oy! You! 'Arry Potter!"

Ugh, not again! Brooklyn thought, growling as he saw another one of those pesky dwarves. He watched as the dwarf went to corner Harry, but Brooklyn grabbed him.

"I wouldn't do it here!" He growled, holding the creature aloft, who struggled and looked at him in annoyance.

"I got to deliver a message to 'Arry Potter." And with that, he managed to jerk out of Brooklyn's hands with surprising strength, and grabbed Harry's bag, resulting into a tug of war.


Brooklyn winced as the bag ripped open, all of Harry's stuff spilling out, ink bottles smashing over all the items from the bag. Harry and Brooklyn scrambled, trying to pick up everything.

"What's going on here?" came the drawling voice of Draco Malfoy. Brooklyn groaned. Just great! And even Percy showed up.

The dwarf had finally caught Harry, the whole crowd watching.

"Right here's your singing valentine!"

His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad!

His hair is as dark as a blackboard!

I wish he was mine, he's really divine!

The hero who conquered the Dark Lord!

Brooklyn did his best not to laugh as he helped Harry to his feet. But then things got worse.

Draco Malfoy had picked up a small book, the same black book that was flushed down a toilet. Brooklyn felt his own face pale, and his eyes rounded. It-the Diary! But-but how?

"Wonder what Potter's written in this?" drawled Malfoy, while Brooklyn felt himself taking some steps backward. How had Harry found the diary?

Oh, this is bad, bad, bad, bad! I thought it was gone! He thought in panic, legs trembling. Harry noticed.

"Hey, you alright?"

Brooklyn gulped. "I'm sorry, I-I gotta go," he said shakily, quickly getting out of there, almost certain that Malfoy was smirking after him.

Harry stared in worry, but turned back to Malfoy, glaring as he demanded it back.

Brooklyn took a shuddering breath as he leaned against a wall in an empty corridor. His brother had the diary, and this was trouble! That meant everything could be blown, his conversations with Tom Riddle, and he could lose Harry's trust again!

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