Friends Reunited and a Meeting

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"Brooklyn! We're so glad you're okay!" Cried Una in happiness, continuing to hug the red gargoyle until he felt his air supply being cut off.

"Yeah, great to see you too, but now, I can't breath!" Leo quickly pulled Una away, but gently. She looked somewhat sheepish, from hugging him too hard.

"Sorry," she said, backing up. Leo approached Brooklyn next, holding out his hand. "It has been too long, friend." Brooklyn grinned, he was glad that they were able to make it, and it wouldn't be just him having to face Demona and Voldemort alone! Wyvern was there, too, hooting happily at the sight of his gargoyle owner and landed on Brooklyn's shoulder.

"Una also sent a message with her magic to Goliath to tell them you are alive," Leo added, and Brooklyn felt his soul lift at this. The idea of eventually seeing his family again, and possibly introduce Harry to them, it just felt so unreal, even if he didn't return home once Dumbledore had offered it to him, his Clan could somehow come to them instead!

"When do you think we will hear from Goliath?" He asked. Leo shrugged. "It all depends on how fast Una's magic is right now to send the message. It could take a while, a few months, so who knows?"

Brooklyn lowered his head slightly. He hoped to see his family sooner than later, but he guessed he could wait a bit longer, and pray his owl can make it through to Manhattan okay without being intercepted or injured.

Mrs. Weasley came out along with Griff, who also shook hands merrily with Brooklyn who hadn't seen him since he came to New York with King Arthur, who was watching from the room next to Sirius.

She hugged Harry. "You look a bit peaky, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the meeting's finished. The two of you can go up to Ron and Hermione's room. And Griff, could you go with them until then?" She asked the griffin gargoyle who nodded. He had questions for Brooklyn, anyway.

The three of them proceeded up the stairs, where eventually in low voices as to not to wake the portrait of Sirius's mother, Brooklyn telling Griff everything that had happened, even being brave enough to tell him about finding Riddle's diary and getting possessed. He had almost freaked when Brooklyn showed him his redwood wand, amazed that he even had one at all!

"Whoa, mate, I had no idea how much you have gone through, and that you managed to survive without your Stone Sleep, it's impressive," Griff complimented, as they approached the landing. He now wanted to go to Hogwarts for himself to have an adventure of his own. Brooklyn smiled a little, glad that Griff hadn't gone cold at him when he mentioned being cursed by the diary.

"Yeah, it hasn't been all butterbeer and chocolate, but so far this magic world hasn't been all bad, there were some nice things about it; like Hogsmeade. You'll have to see it, Griff, you'll like it!"

The griffin gargoyle grinned, nodding, while Harry watched the interaction between the two, happy that Brooklyn wasn't the only gargoyle here anymore.

The trio had spotted Kreacher at one point prowling about before going to clean with a filthy rag, glaring at them. Griff shook his head.

"I swear, mate, that elf of Black's doesn't do any cleaning, other than preserving everything, even the dirt!" He had muttered after the elf left. Brooklyn chuckled at his words, as they reached the bedroom, opening the door, and somebody came out with bushy brown hair, hugging Harry as tightly as Una hugged Brooklyn, crying as well.

"Oh, Harry! Brooklyn!" Brooklyn smiled, watching her hug his brother. Ron was there, too, smiling at the sight of them.

Griff liked these kids, they seemed quite cheerful when they first met before Brooklyn had returned from his mission. He could tell the three of them had been friends since their first year at Hogwarts.

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