Fiendfyre and Destroying the Diadem

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After the shield had been destroyed, Scabior had smirked at Lex and Neville, who both paled knowing they were in trouble. Scabior put a foot over where the shield was. After feeling nothing, his eyes flared, and he roared a battle cry, and the others ran with him.

"Uh, I got a little suggestion... RUN!" Lexington shouted; the two racing across the bridge. Sure, Lex was a gargoyle, but facing against all these foes singlehandedly could prove sudical. The others at the end of the bridge watched with fear, as Neville then used a spell to take out the bridge to stop the Death Eaters. It destroyed it, just as gargoyle and human reached the end.

Lex yelped as he slipped and fell, grabbing onto a beam below. Neville was the closest to the edge, able to pull himself up. But Lexington couldn't reach, and he couldn't glide up either. He gasped shakily, trying to keep a good grip.


"Lexington, look out!"

The olive gargoyle before he saw who it was felt something grab his foot, making him slip. He screeched, digging into the wood with his talons, hearing Scabior laugh.

"If I'm going; I'm going to take a gargoyle with me!" He proclaimed. This was terrifying for Lexington, arms shaking, as he struggled to kick off the heavy human.

"HELP!" He screamed in panic, feeling himself losing his grip. He didn't want to die! Broadway ran over, worry for Lex in his blood ringing, raising his wings and diving down.

Lexington was sweating, his talons hurting from trying to pull up, gravity going against him. He could see Broadway coming, but he was losing his grip fast. At last, his eyes widened as his grip was lost, falling down through the air, too scared to remember gliding.

Broadway glided as fast as he could, reaching out with his hand to grab the small gargoyle. He wouldn't let him die this way!

"BROADWAY!" Sobbed Lex, struggling in the air, having managed to kick Scabior off his foot, seeing the ground coming closer.

"I got ya, hold on!" Broadway encouraged, Lex holding out his hand, their fingers almost touching. Straining, they finally grabbed hands. Lex sighed in nerved relief as Broadway pulled him close, holding Lex in his arms and gliding back up.

The others watched in horror, thinking Lex had died after getting Neville to saftey. Then, a taloned hand grabbed the ledge. It was Broadway! He grunted, pulling up and placing Lexington down gently, whose breathing was eratic in his chest at his near death experience. He hugged his brother tight.

Neville grinned nervously. "That went well..." he said humorously, after things calmed a bit.


The war had now started; Death Eaters, Hogwarts citizens, and gargoyles battled there on the grounds, flashes of light going everywhere and blowing off pieces of the walls of Hogwarts while Brook and Harry continued to the Room of Requirement. They ran into their friends along the way, though Ron and Hermione were still absent.

Brooklyn hugged Lexington. "You okay?" He asked worridley, and his olive brother nodded. Katie gave Brooklyn her own hug. "What about you?" She asked. "We're still trying to find the Diadem. We think we know where it is, but you guys need to keep helping the others. Me and Harry will be okay," he told Katie, who nodded. She wouldn't fail.

After that, they went their separate ways.


The brothers ran down the hall, desperate to get to the Room of Requirement as soon as possible.

"Let's pray this wasn't a waste!" Brooklyn said to Harry who nodded.

There was a sudden bang, and rubble began to fall onto them. Brooklyn did his best to shield Harry from any damage; wincing from some of the splinters hitting his skin, but he knew he can use his pendant and stone sleep to heal it later.

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