Malfoy Manor

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The Snatchers encircled the heroes, and Ron was glaring hard at Brooklyn.

"Oops?! That's all you got to say for yourself? The name was still Tabooed! Or have you forgotten?!" Ron screamed.

Brooklyn shrugged, his face panicked. "I didn't-I didn't-!" He protested, their enemies closing in. Harry was the first to act.

"We can talk about it later, run!" He yelled, shooting a spell at the Snatchers, creating an opening, and the group all ran for it as fast as they could, Brooklyn running on all fours.

Brooklyn flinched as two stunners barely missed him, cursing himself for foolishly blurting out Voldemort's name. How could he have been so stupid to forget about the name being Tabooed? He used his wand and fired counter attacks at his enemies, knocking down three.

Just when he thought he was home free, Brooklyn gasped aloud as painful ropes tied around his body, and he fell hard to the ground.

He looked around to see the leader, Scabior smiling sinisterly in victory at his capture. Brooklyn growled up at him before Scabior had him hauled to his feet by the werewolf, Greyback.

"Well, well, well, someone was careless enough to say the Dark Lord's name, we will soon fix that, have you show him respect," taunted Scabior, grabbing Brooklyn's face with his hands. Brooklyn hissed, trying to snap at his fingers, and Scabior pulled back his hand.

"I don't care what you do to me! Just leave my friends alone!" He yelled viciously, struggling. Greyback backhanded him after that.

"Silence, Freak!" He growled. Brooklyn's eyes watered.

"You're a freak, not me," he mumbled. Scabior eyed him with anger.

"Despite your noble efforts to defend the filth, we are still going to inspect your friends, my loyal Snatchers have probably caught up with them by now. If your friend is Potter,'ll soon find out what's in store for the both of you."

Brooklyn felt his blood freeze with fear from this, being brought to Voldemort could be the worst thing to happen, especially if he learns they were hunting for his Horcruxes!

Then his device began beeping, alerting Scabior, who took Brooklyn's bag, taking it out and studying it. His friends must've been caught.

"What is this thing? Some kind of communicator?" He asked, but Brooklyn just glared.

"If it is a communicator, then you don't need it," Scabior proclaimed. And to Brooklyn's anger and fear, stepped on it, breaking it to pieces.

Dumbledore made that for me, and you dare break it! He thought in fury, struggling in the werewolf's vice like grip, afraid what would come now that his trouble sensor was smashed. Scabior smiled ruthlessly. A wolf Patronus suddenly came, speaking in a Snatcher's voice.

"We got the others, come fast!" The Patronus spoke before vanishing.

Scabior turned to Greyback, with an idea in mind.

"Take him with you to Malfoy Manor instead of the Ministry, along with the rest of them after I check their identities." Scabior ordered, and Greyback grinned evilly at Brooklyn, whacking him hard in the head again, knocking the gargoyle out this time.


His eyes opened, seeing a luxurious, but dark looking mansion before him, sometimes seeing one or two albino peacocks, Greyback dragging him along. Glancing next to him as best he could, Brooklyn spotted his friends also held by Snatchers, Harry's face bloated from a Stinging Jinx.

The gargoyle smiled inside seeing that, probably had been from Hermione to protect Harry's identity. She sure was smart!

"Where are we?" He asked nervously, pulled upright to walk forward.

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