The Dueling Club

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There had been no attacks since Colin and Mrs. Norris, but the whole school was now abuzz with nervousness and excitement. Madam Pomfrey had to close off all visitors to the Hospital Wing so Colin could have some privacy.

Brooklyn was getting irritated, because since Harry had been accused on Halloween, the students began to whisper rumors about him being the heir of Slytherin when he clearly wasn't. He hoped that when the Polyjuice Potion was ready, they could get answers. And if not, he was going to pester Tom until he spilled the beans.

Speaking of Tom, he managed to inform him finally about Colin when he felt a little better after that night, getting another strange response.

Didn't you sometimes say that Colin irritated you and Harry with that camera of his? Maybe it was for the best that he's Petrified like Mrs. Norris.

Yeah, but I didn't want it to happen to a First year, this wasn't fair to Colin! Brooklyn had written back, his face draining imagining Colin still frozen in the hospital wing.

Just continue keep your spirits up, Brooklyn, and do the best you can, soon enough they'll find the attacker, Tom'swords said.

Brooklyn nodded. Alright, Tom, I'll do my best.


They had managed to collect most of the ingredients for the Polyjuice, but it wasn't done yet. Brooklyn had kept his eyes out during a Potions lesson in which Harry had thrown a firework into Goyle's potion, exploding everywhere and showering the class with swelling potion.

Brooklyn had to hide his laugh as he saw Malfoy walk up to Snape with the other students for the antidote, his nose swelled up to the size of a small melon and making his head droop. He suddenly spotted Hermione sneaking through the crowd, her robes bulging, and knew she had been successful.

The foursome sat in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, ignoring her wailing again while Hermione stirred the potion. Brooklyn eyed the stuff, once again unsure about taking it.

"You sure that this stuff will work?" He questioned, watching it bubble in the cauldron.

"It'll be ready in two weeks, and yes, I'm sure it will work, Brooklyn. I did my research, and I read that Gargoyles do have the ability to use Polyjuice Potion, it will just take a few minutes longer for the transformation effects to appear since you're not completely human."

"Lovely," Brooklyn muttered sarcastically, imagining himself transforming and wincing at an image of his own body half turned into a human with his wings gone, and a human face.

A week later into December, Brooklyn and his friends noticed a crowd of students lining the wall including Dean and Seamus.

"What's up?" He asked Dean, who looked excited.

"They're starting a Dueling Club! First meeting tonight!"

Now Brooklyn himself was interested. A Dueling Club, huh? Perhaps he could sneak a peek at this and maybe get some dueling practice with his wand!

He then found himself standing in a large crowd surrounding the Great Hall tables which vanished and was replaced with a golden stage, and Brooklyn felt a fresh wave of excitement, which was welcoming after all the stress he had been dealing with the Chamber of Secrets.

"I wonder who will be teaching us! Maybe Flitwick! They say he's an expert at dueling!" Hermione whispered. The gargoyle now liked the idea of a professional dueler like Flitwick to teach him!

"As long as it's not—." Harry replied, ending in a groan. Brooklyn was about to ask before spotting the one who he didn't want to be taught by, blasted Gilderoy Lockhart, who was wearing vivid plum robes and Snape, who was looking quite livid about being anywhere near Lockhart, and Brooklyn had to agree. He himself won't touch Lockhart with a 39 and a half foot pole!

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