Escaping the Manor and Brooklyn Alone

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Brooklyn was still where he was in the solitary dark prison cellar of Malfoy Manor, images of Dobby's dead body flashing in his mind, as the loneliness continued to rise all around him.

Two days had gone by, with no company from the outside. Nobody even bothered to check on his condition, his scar still stinging from Bellatrix, wondering if his friends were still safe, and struggling with keeping his strength and sanity. No matter what, he wouldn't let these people break his spirit like they tried to do in the past! He can't let it happen again, even if he broke himself trying to do it.

Brooklyn was fed only once or twice, when food and water would be slipped through the door, but he never saw any faces. Whenever he saw his reflection in the bowl of water, it would be replaced with Harry's.

Only during the times when Brooklyn's anger at being kept prisoner got the better of him, did he either shout out loud, or bang his fists on the metal door with angry tears coming down. He hated them all for ripping him away from his brother! Brooklyn wanted to kill them!

"I am gonna get away from here, you hear me?!" He screamed, fists burning from hitting the door, but as usual, he was met with silence.

I have to escape from this soon, just have to... Brooklyn thought, going back to his corner and rubbing his sore hands. He planned to wait until an opportunity finally came that wouldn't get him killed trying to do it.

The air sometimes felt rather suffocating, and with the lack of windows, Brooklyn sometimes couldn't tell if the sun was rising or setting, one of the worst things of being a prisoner at Malfoy Manor.

But then on the third day, there was the sounds of Apparation, and voices came, two he didn't wish to hear, holding himself tightly. Voldemort and Demona have arrived.

"So, Lucius, am I aware that since you have summoned me, that you have been able to capture Harry Potter?" Purred Voldemort's voice from afar. Brooklyn panted silently with fear, it had been a while since he heard Voldemort's voice, but he still hated the demon man.

"Y-yes, we caught Harry Potter, m-my Lord, but—."

"But is a dangerous word, human. If anything went wrong here, I can assure I won't be so merciful with you," hissed Demona. Lucius whimpered.

"Now, Lucius, tell me what happened, and I might spare your disappointment of a family," said Voldemort, his voice still calm but deadly. Brooklyn could hear Demona growling dangerously at Lucius.

"H-he escaped, e-except—."

"We still have his gargoyle, my Lord!" Bellatrix interrupted, before Voldemort could move in on Lucius.

"Really Lestrange? He didn't make it?" Voldemort asked.

"I caught him, my Lord, he's still in the cellar as we speak!" She stated proudly, and Brooklyn's stomach ached from those words, as though there was poison in it again, hating everything she said, making him feel like a caged animal as he curled his arms and wings around himself, a despondent look on his face.

"If what your saying is true, I wish to 'speak' to him," said Demona with icy joy. Brooklyn trembled again, not looking forward to seeing her.

"You shall be rewarded for successfully capturing Potter's brother, my dear," purred Voldemort. "And as for Lucius his family is spared, for now."

"I-I'll get him r-ready, m-my Lord," he heard Wormtail, and then shuffling footsteps came to his door, that he opened.

Wormtail cast his eyes around, until he spotted Brooklyn, eyes cast downward, struggling to take in shuddering breaths from the terrible air, he had been dreaming for fresh air since being thrown in.

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