Year Six Begins

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Brooklyn lay on a couch in Grimmauld Place, for he was told to wait there for Dumbledore to go along with him to get Harry from Privet Drive after the three week wait. He had been growing a little impatient waiting, even with the company of Sirius, Kreacher, and Buckbeak.

The London Clan and Arthur were already at the Burrow, waiting for them, so Grimmauld Place felt rather empty without their presence.

He gave a long sigh, sitting up, and went to look out the window for the Headmaster, for today was supposed to be the day. What was taking him so long?

"Butterbeer for your thoughts?"

The gargoyle jumped at the sound of Sirius's voice, and chuckled slightly from his reaction, gratefully taking the bottle, and downing it.

"Guess I was thirsty without knowing it," he said jokingly, handing the bottle back to Sirius, who noticed the former second in command's troubled gaze.

"Hey, he will be here, Dumbledore usually is almost never late, probably had some important things to deal with, first."

Brooklyn gave a small nod at his words, but he still worried, not for Dumbledore, but for his little brother, Harry Potter, still stuck at the Dursleys. He wondered how Harry was holding up over there, keeping his temper around them, and hoped that finally on his 17th birthday, he can at last ditch his Aunt and Uncle and come live here for good!

Then a loud crack was heard; making the two jump, and a smile was present on Brooklyn's beak at the sight of the Headmaster, who Sirius opened the door for.

"Good afternoon, Brooklyn, sorry about my delay, other things crossed my path on the way here," he greeted in his soft voice. Brooklyn shrugged.

"Hey, it's cool, just looking forward to getting Harry-what happened to your hand?" He gasped in surprise, for Dumbledore's right hand was all black and dead looking. Sirius noticed too, eyes wide, not seeing anything like this before.

Dumbledore studied his hand curiously. "A rather unfortunate event that I will explain another time, Brooklyn. But now we must make haste to Privet Drive, take my left arm."

The gargoyle swallowed a bit, still looking at Dumbledore's black hand, but took his other arm, Sirius wishing them luck, as the Apparation began, Grimmauld Place vanishing into blackness.

Brooklyn kept his eyes squeezed shut, feeling the suction of it pressing on his sides, before at last, he was able to breathe again, standing on the streets of his brother's village. Still not a huge fan of Apparation himself, like Floo Powder.

"Now, Brooklyn, aside from picking up Harry, I have arranged a meeting with an old college of mine, to convince him to return to Hogwarts to teach," Dumbledore said to him, who nodded, as they knocked on the door.

It was opened by Harry, who looked glad to see them, and welcomed the two inside. Brooklyn helped Harry get his things while he left Dumbledore to 'entertain and discuss' to the Dursleys about their treatment of Harry. When coming back into the living room, he chuckled at the sight of three glasses of oak matured Meade bouncing on their heads, Vernon covering his and yelling at Dumbledore to stop.

"Professor, me and Brook are ready," Harry said, as Dumbledore waved his wand, and the drinks stopped hitting the Dursleys on the head. Brooklyn smirked at Vernon, who was glowering at the red gargoyle with distaste. He still hated that freak creature.

"Ah, good. Just one more thing, then, as you all are aware, Harry turns of age at 17..."

Petunia shook his head. "No, he doesn't!" Brooklyn's eyes flared white. "What?" He questioned in a stern tone. Her eyes flickered as she continued.

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