Year Three Begins

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Brooklyn loved being back at the Burrow again, especially after the disastrous previous year. Being possessed by one particular Lord Voldemort can really take it out of you.

He lounged on the grass near the magnificent overgrown garden, spotting a few of those interesting creatures, gnomes that were causing mischief, as usual. Brooklyn felt as though he deserved this break with this wonderful human family after all that had happened.

A few things happened while he was there; he and Ron tried to call his brother, Harry Potter, who still unfortunately was required by Dumbledore to continue living there. Brooklyn still hated this situation, wishing Harry could come and stay with him at the Weasley's, but the best he could do was to get his little brother here as soon as possible each summer.

Brooklyn tried his best to teach Ron how to use a telephone correctly, but forgot to tell him not to yell, as Ron began to scream into the receiver.

Brooklyn had winced, as Ron continued to yell as though he were standing in a football field.

Maybe this was a bad idea, he thought, as Mr. Dursley's voice bellowed through the phone back at them.


The two of them then heard the phone being hung up as they both stared at each other, Brooklyn with a deadpan expression, while Ron looked sheepish.

"Probably shouldn't have shouted?"

"Ya think?"


Brooklyn chuckled to himself at that memory, but he hoped that Harry was doing okay. His device he got from Dumbledore in the first year hadn't been blinking very much, only once or twice, but didn't last very long, making him sigh a little in relief.

He continued to lie there, enjoying the sun, until suddenly, a sudden scream jerked him from his relaxation, making Brooklyn jump up in surprise.

"Arthur! Arthur! We won!"

What the heck have I missed? The red gargoyle thought to himself as he looked in the window, seeing Mrs. Weasley giving her husband a big hug. He couldn't help but smile at the sight, but they will have to explain later.

Mrs. Weasley called a family meeting, including Brooklyn, who sat next to Ginny. He then learned that Mr. Weasley had won a galleon prize draw at the Ministry. The gargoyle knew well that this family wasn't exactly rich with income, and he was happy for them for winning all that money. They deserved it in his opinion.

He also was invited on a trip with them to visit the eldest brother, Bill Weasley in Egypt, which he was excited about, for Egypt was where Goliath, Elisa, Angela, and Bronx had traveled on their Avalon World Tour, and was looking forward to seeing all those pyramids.

Brooklyn had written to Harry about what was going down and wrote he would tell Harry all about the trip and would come to get him as soon as he got back, since they were leaving in two days.

He had received his reply from Harry almost instantly:

Hello, Brook!

I'm glad you get to go to Egypt with the Weasleys. Don't worry about me not being able to come. I'll be fine and I can handle myself around my cousin well enough. This is your chance to spend time with the Weasleys and to kick back on your own vacation after your ordeal with Tom last year.

Have a great time!

Your brother, Harry Potter

Brooklyn smiled, happy that Harry was willing to let him have his own vacation, as he folded his letter and placed it in his saddlebag before falling asleep, ready to go to Egypt.

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