Another Year Ends

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As they opened the door, they were greeted by the ear-splitting screams of both Mrs. Weasley and surprisingly, Professor McGonagall, who hugged Brooklyn tightly, after he set the still unconscious Lockhart down, shocking Harry and Ron into disbelief.

Brooklyn himself was astonished at McGonagall's gesture, trying his best to calm her and tell her that he was okay, but she wouldn't stop crying. Dumbledore was watching the scene with a small smile on his face.

"You saved him! How did you do it?" Mrs. Weasley gasped, being the most calm one, while Mr. Weasley managed to pull McGonagall gently away, causing Brooklyn to gasp for air, for she had him in a tight hug.

She sat down weakly. "I-I'd think we'd all like to know that story," she gasped.

Harry then went into explanation of the whole story, while Brooklyn stood to the side. He had put Lockhart down before McGonagall hugged him, and he looked downward, feeling shame like a lump in his throat. Still though, he was grateful that Voldemort was gone from inside him, hopefully for good.

Then other worries flooded him. Will they kick him out? Not even McGonagall knew the whole story of him being the one who attacked everybody.

When Harry finished, he looked instinctively at Dumbledore, who folded his hands together, and looked over at Brooklyn, who flapped his wings, still feeling nervous.

"What interests me most, is how Voldemort managed to enchant our gargoyle friend here, when my sources clearly tell me that Voldemort is currently hiding in the forests of Albania."

Mrs. Weasley looked startled and was still crying. "W-what? You-Know-Who enchanted Brooklyn? He's not—he hasn't, has he?"

Harry quickly pulled out the diary, which now had holes and was covered in dried ink. Brooklyn didn't even want to look at that horrid thing anymore, even if it was destroyed.

"Brilliant," murmured Dumbledore, gazing down at the diary with his half-moon spectacles. "Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen."

And he was a disgusting, manipulating bastard, Brooklyn thought, shutting his eyes, trying to block out the echoes of Voldemort's laughter.

"But, Brooklyn," McGonagall suddenly spoke, snapping him out of his moment. "What has he gotten to do with him?"

Now Brooklyn couldn't keep it in anymore.

"It was his diary!" He exclaimed, pointing to the book, his feelings spilling out in different emotions.

Her eyes grew wide. "I-I've been writing in that thing, and he was writing back to me. It seemed quite harmless enough at first, but—." McGonagall interrupted him by grabbing his arms, not too tightly, but she gave him a fierce look that made him look away in shame again.

"Brooklyn, now listen to what I have to say; never, ever, trust anything that could think for itself, if you can't see where it can put its brain. It was clearly full of Dark Magic! Why didn't you turn it in in the first place?"

He felt the tears come again. "I don't know! I found it in Flourish and Blotts after I stopped the fight between Lucius and Arthur, and just thought somebody dropped it. I didn't know it would almost kill me!" He then nearly yelled, causing McGonagall's face to soften a little, now realizing what Brooklyn must've gone through, tricked, and lied to by Tom Riddle to harm others.

Dumbledore looked solemn, eyes filled with sympathy for Brooklyn, who stood there, looking quite miserable.

"McGonagall, I think Brooklyn deserves a rest in the hospital wing. This has been a terrible ordeal for him. Older and wiser wizards have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort."

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