Snape's Grudge

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Brooklyn was quite irritated, especially at Sirius.

Neville had been in disgrace since the incident. McGonagall had banned him from all Hogsmeade visits, and he got a Howler from his Gran. Brooklyn had only seen her once that first year going to Hogwarts, but had never met her.

Neville's Howler began to smoke, and Ron suggested to him to make a run for it. Brooklyn narrowed his eyes. He was gonna pound that dog man's face for all this.

He marched right out to find Sirius, who looked nervous, but tried to smile. Hell no, you're not getting away with this! Raising his fist, Brooklyn did a hard punch, sending the man falling to the ground on his butt, looking shocked that his new friend had docked him in the face.

"WHAT THE FREAKING HELL WERE YOU THINKING, BLACK?! EVEN AFTER I TELL YOU NO, YOU'RE STILL RECKLESS ENOUGH TO BREAK INTO THE COMMON ROOM, PUTTING YOUR REUNION WITH HARRY AT RISK!" He roared, pointing his talon at Sirius who was rubbing his face in pain. Who would've thought a gargoyle's fist could hurt that much?

"I'm sorry, Brook. I just couldn't sit there, without knowing if maybe Peter had gotten tired from hiding and want to come back to Ron's side, then I could help-."

"I had everything under control, I didn't need your help. If I could fight MacBeth and Demona, I can certainly tower over Peter," Brooklyn huffed, folding his arms. Then Sirius knew: he didn't need to do anything, and he slowly nodded.

"So... when will I be able to see Harry?" He questioned. Brooklyn froze a little, before saying something.

"We may have to put it on hold for a day or two until things calm down. The common room now has high security trolls who even look at me suspiciously. But I will get Harry out here whenever I can, and hopefully Peter with us."

Sirius nodded again, and Brooklyn suddenly spotted Harry and Ron walking to Hagrid's hut, and he wondered what was up.

"I have to go, if my friends are going to see Hagrid, something must either be wrong, or hopefully something else," He said, waving as he left. Sirius then grinned.

"Well, it wasn't every day you get punched by a gargoyle who cares for your safety and sanity!" He called humorously as he turned into a dog and raced off, making Brooklyn chuckle, glad that Sirius still had his sense of humor.

Brooklyn managed to catch them before they went in.

"Brooklyn! I was wondering where you were, Hagrid invited us for tea, if you want to join," Harry exclaimed after seeing his brother running up. He nodded, as the door opened revealing Hagrid smiling at them.

The first thing Brooklyn saw was Buckbeak, sitting on the floor of the cabin. He had neglected to visit the Hippogriff since his lessons with Sirius, but Buckbeak was happy to see him as he nuzzled the gargoyle affectionately.

Hagrid chuckled. "Beaky's missed yeh, Brooklyn. But yeh've probably been busy tryin' to catch Sirius Black, huh?" Brooklyn smiled nervously. He knew that he couldn't say what he had really been doing in front of Hagrid, or Ron. This will be just for him and Harry.

"Yeah, I was," he replied. Plus, I'm trying to catch somebody else. Peter Pettigrew, he also thought privately, while petting Buckbeak's head gently.

Hagrid caught them up on how he has to go to a hearing for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, to appeal Buckbeak to the Ministry. Brooklyn himself felt a little guilty for not trying to help Hagrid, since he had been so focused on casting his Patronus. Hagrid noticed.

"It's okay, Brook. Yeh and yer friends have nothing ter be ashamed of. Want some tea an' Bath buns?" He offered, holding out a plate.

Brooklyn was happy enough to accept the tea, but with the Bath buns... well... let's just say he had three more cups of tea afterward, despite Harry and Ron's warnings. Don't blame him, though. He got too curious about what Hagrid's Bath Buns tasted like.

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