Back at Hogwarts and a New Professor

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Everybody had celebrated the fact that Harry hadn't been committed, and the red gargoyle himself began to enjoy the next few days before the beginning of term.

It involved mostly catching up with the London Clan, who volunteered to help pitch into cleaning Sirius's house, by throwing away junk and scrubbing the walls as well as help with the upcoming war. Kreacher had cursed at them for throwing away useless heirlooms he declared valuable, that included a locket with a serpent on it that nobody could open, and a musical box that when opened played a creepy musical tinkle that made him, Harry, and Sirius feel weak and sleepy, until Ginny saved the day by closing it shut.

The morning before September 1st, letters came for Ron and Hermione, saying they've been accepted as Prefects of Gryffindor. Brooklyn was quite happy for them, and after a time, Harry ended up feeling the same. He felt that Ron deserved this kind of promotion after everything, especially since he was the next to youngest with Ginny, and his brothers overshadowed him.

They had an enjoyable dinner party in honor of Ron and Hermione becoming Prefects before going to bed, and Griff had requested to come along with Brooklyn to Hogwarts, and the red gargoyle didn't mind another gargoyle coming with him, rather it would be great to have somebody else to help him patrol the school, especially now that Voldemort and Demona threaten the school, even if the Ministry wouldn't believe it yet.

He had a very weird dream that night, involving a room full of strange silver blue globes. They ended up glowing really bright, and Brooklyn even thought he saw Demona there among them, standing next to one with a piece of parchment underneath, despite the bright glow of the balls, he could read:

Dark Lord


Harry Potter

What does that mean? And what the heck are these spheres? He wondered, moving closer to one of them, reaching out with his hand, until Demona charged at him, her red eyes flashing, and he fell back, pulling out his wand.

"You won't be able to protect the boy forever, Brooklyn..." her hissing voice rang in his head, everything swirling into black fog...

He gasped awake, hearing Ron telling them that Mrs. Weasley was waiting to go. He, Griff, and Harry all went down together, had a quick breakfast, packed, and took a rental car from the Ministry that Mr. Weasley was somehow able to acquire, despite them bashing their honor. Brooklyn recalled of how they lost that old Ford Angela, which was still a wild car in the forest right now, and still felt a teensy bit guilty about it.

Sirius ended up tagging along in his dog form, even though Mrs. Weasley said no as they walked along King's Cross, he began chasing a few cats for Harry and Brooklyn's entertainment. Brooklyn smiled a little seeing Sirius free like this after being cooped up in that dirty house for so long.

"Padfoot! Are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation!" Moody growled, his magical eye swirling everywhere. Sirius then coaxed the brothers into a private waiting room, where he turned back to a human, much to Harry's fear.

"Sirius, you shouldn't be a human right now!" He cried out. Brooklyn sat down next to him.

"Yeah, what if somebody sees you?" Brooklyn asked in worry, but Sirius only smiled.

"Well, I had to see you two off, didn't I? What's life without a little risk every now and then?"

"We don't want you to be thrown back into Azkaban," Harry protested. Sirius simply put an arm around his godson.

"Don't you boys worry about me. But, I want to give you this, Harry." He handed Harry a photo. Since it was magic, the people were moving. Brooklyn recognized some of them.

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